ASE exporters invalid?


Could anyone point me to a good ASE exporter?
I already tried three ASE exporters and any of them is working correct (or am I making something wrong?).

What I’m trying to do is a simple plane with texture and normalmap. I have this object and material setup in blender. The problem is that exporters either export only one texture (missing the normalmap texture), or export both textures (diffuse and normalmap) but into diffrent submaterials.

The three exporters i tried were written by

  1. Stephen Doughty, Andrew Chadwick, Campbell Barton
  2. Doc Holiday
  3. Goofos

Did any of you guys had the same problem with those exporters?

thanks for your time

The problem is that max in its total sillyness can export ase but not import.
So it shard to test an exporter.

sombody needs to give access to a program that can import ASE.

not sure if k3d…

and Ultimate Unwrap.


a better answer :

Utilitys and code to load ase files in other tools, or in just code, etc.

ase view

a delphi library to read ase

another library.Dunno if some of this is of help. I am not a programmer

zmodeler 1 and 2.x are modelers though for modelling cars, I think initially for certain racing game. they have evolved…

and I think an ase reading filter for 2.x is here :

unsupported ye old ase importer for Max

cambo… (btw, cool plugins you make)

better help, even :

does it help?

Yep it should help. At some point Ill look through these.

Have a bit of work on at the moment and cant devote time to script just for fun.

Exporters API is changing also- with new Mesh. and hopefull some additions to the API. - modifier stack and even an api rewrite.

but it will happen.