I was working on something with shrinkwrap earlier and noticed that, seemingly with all three of its variants, it will jump around as the mesh that’s being shrinkwrapped to changes. Is there a similar modifier that doesn’t change its reference points, or is there a way to make the shrinkwrap modifier follow only the targets it had initially rather than changing them in the middle of the mesh being changed?
Could you post some pictures or video of what you mean? I really don’t get it… Or a blend file if it’s an animation.
I don’t have an answer, but I want to understand your question; you are asking for something like shinkwrap + bind?
To be clear, if you’re using the shrinkwrap modifier, the shrunkened mesh should be similarly rigged / deformed like the base object is. So for something like a tight shirt; the shirt would also be parented to the armature like the body is with similar weighting and such. Otherwise, it sounds like you want a cloth simulation.