Asphalf Bumps

I need some help with making bumps for this scene.

I have normals (nor) set to 11.5.
Any bump map I tried was too big.

Here it is:


Well, when you do such a close up, flat bump mapping only might not be the best choice. You’ll need some displacement (most likely requires a lot of vertices to get a good result) or modelling (maybe using the fractal subdivde feature), too. When you look at the picture, about the bottom third or the image could need that, for the rest a bump map should be enough, especially when you’re applying a DoF Blur (which you shouldn’t leave like that, btw - it looks like you simply selected the upper part of the image and blurred it).

increase the size of your MapInput by about twice to make the bumps smaller.

OR just go out into the road with a digital camera (when no cars are coming) and take a picture from that angle, crop it, and use it as an image texture.