The objects I dragged into my scene from the Asset Browser are now gone. But there is an “Empty” in place of the missing objects that are still in the scene.
Can I bring the Assets back in the scene where the Empties are?
Hoping I can turn on an attribute to bring back the objects into the scene.
Thank you, sozap. Magpie just Zoomed called me with the same suggestion.
If the Assets are still in the Asset Browser, You can RMB in the Asset to open the Original Blender file that is sourcing the Asset Browser asset.
In the Outliner, change the view to see the Blender File.
The Outliner view looks different, now. Scroll down to the Libraries and RMB click on the broken link and “Relocate” the Blender file that was sourcing the Asset Browser.
After “Relocating” the Blend file, the assets will pop back into the Scene.
As an extra note. You can change whether assets are linked with the full path to the file, or a relative one. With a relative path, if you move the Asset or the working file, the link can get broken. If you link the asset with the full path, then moving the working file shouldn’t cause a problem.
In the ‘File Paths’ section on the Preferences window, you can select each of your Asset Library folders, and change the options for them.
As well as setting whether to Link or Append the asset, you tick or untick the ‘Relative Path’ option.
Hello Magpie, may I ask a question? If I have a bunch of assets that compose my scene and I want to break free of the Asset Library yet still keep the assets in my scene…is there a way to do that?
To make my scene keep all the assets but not depend on the Asset Library? I can then hand off the scene as a stand alone scene independent of the Asset Browser.