AssetGen addon (old thread)

The generated game texture has been greatly improved:

Don’t forget to open the console to see the status of the baking. :wink:

Current status of Dark blender:
Currently in Dark Blender’s latest version:
_ generate High Poly from artwork
_ stencils to speed up high poly sculpting
_ tweaked brush and cut (inspired from the orb_crack brush of ZBrush), noise and rack brush added

_ low poly created automatically
_ every map baked automatically
_ map saved and loaded automatically
_ lighting setup to paint created automatically

_ draw, soft draw, eraser and soft eraser
_ palettes with color presets

Shadow map
_ light map baking in one click (join + create a new UV Channel), assign a white diffuse then bake with Cycles

_ thumbnail maker
_ generate displacement silhouette

Game Template
_ Template of an FPS game

_ cubemap baking for BGE in one click for real time “fake” reflection and use the specularity map for roughness
_ 2D sprite reader by animating the UV or switching of UV Channel in BGE (the global game jam is approaching so i’ll try to finish it quickly)
_ 2D game template
_ create tillable texture
_ merging the high poly to create one low poly
_ procedurally generated props in one click such as rocks by playing with the voronoi and seed value
_ more colors for painting and stencils
_ add glow and lens flare scripts for BGE

Keep up the good work. I am really speechless as i found this great game asset tool, moreover it is built from Blender.
I can’t thank you enough for all of your hard work. Really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Thank you! I don’t know if that was you that asked on Blender Nation why the video wasn’t on Youtube, it’s because the video exceed 10 minutes so i can’t upload it.

Game Asset Generator Test
A little test from the Heavy of Team Fortress 2 sculpted from an artwork of Creature Box. I have just run the script, i did nothing else and i have a very good painting base. It’s just to see what i can get in one click and the quality of the greyscale. Don’t hesitate to post your result especially if you get weird results. I want the settings to work for every asset you will make. :wink:

And this asset is very easy to create with the 2D Mesh Canvas script. :wink:
Now if you see someone doing a retopology or staying 1 hour to tweaks his textures in photoshop on Twitch you know what to suggest. :stuck_out_tongue:

_ some tweaks on the GAMEPREV shader

PS: CGChannel talks about Dark Blender

Congratulation :smiley:

I could make a video using the 2D tool sculpture?

Do whatever you want with the tool and please share it once it will be online. :slight_smile:

I’ve just updated it download the latest version. :wink:

which caught the code?

The code is already visible by anyone that download Dark Blender so you can record it or edit it in your video.

2D Game Template
I have added a lot of tools for 3D game creation and an FPS template that isn’t finished yet, i will focus today on 2D games in BGE.

Here is the sprite template (reading order: 1-2-1-3 and switch back to 1 when idle).

The sprite reader will use Blend Shapes and hide planes to run the animation. It already works to move forward and reset when you release the key. I should finish it tomorrow.

i have made good progress on the sprite reader, it gives me an headhache to setup, but you will just have to replace to arrows to use it. I just need to use the shape keys for the animation but i’ll do a little pause before. :slight_smile:

Code generate 2d mesh please.

The code is above the run script button and Alt + F10 to resize it. PM me if you have other questions.

The sprite reader is operational, i have added the ability to read a sign only if the character is pointing up, is in range, and press space. The camera follows the character.

How can i enabled the alpha in GLSL ? It only work for me in Multi-texture or i missed something.

You can also move your generated asset into the FPS template to move around and use F for the flashlight. :slight_smile:

_ Lightmap baking improved

The lightmap baking works from any layer, the white diffuse as been tweaked, the GAMEPREV shader’s specularity has been tweaked, cycles use a tweaked sky texture now.

To use it select you static meshes that doesn’t use logic bricks or use Select by Type > Mesh but make sure you have an active selection (bright orange). Then launch the script. Once your lightmap is generated select the first UV Channel.

It is not shadeless that mean that your specularity and normal map will still work.

_ Added new palettes: Alien, Beard, Blood, Bone and new colors to existing palettes

I was working on UV’s (trying :p) on Christophe Deese’s 28 Ford
and got side tracked :stuck_out_tongue: and tried to Generate LP scored this… (ô¿ô)


Disclaimer :stuck_out_tongue:
I know not what I do :stuck_out_tongue:
Looks like it was applying a mirror and funky offset.


The Generate LP must be used on surfaces that doesn’t affect the model like edge loops or flat surfaces. And for your result maybe the car is turned that’s why we see two engines.

Try the latest version of the Game Asset Generator, enable Remesh, set the polycount and if you can’t turn it move it in +X you should have a good game model.

Something big is coming…

I have tested Dark Blender “in production” this week end during the global game jam. I was able to generate all the game assets and give to the level designer the albedo and normal map. I used the stencils to create the block’s details and the 2D Canvas to make the symbols, the snake on the wall and to blockout the different jar. It worked very well, I earned hours of work, i had just the time to take drink that my game asset were generated and all my maps baked composited and saved ! It takken in general 30-40 seconds to generate the game asset in a GTX 960M.
I was the only artist in the team but i worked so fast with Dark Blender that i had spare time to create “cosmetic” assets with lot of details to dress up the scene and help the level designer.

If you like games like portal you’ll like it. :slight_smile:

And a little Dark Blender update: you can now enable Bent map baking for static mesh and fake top lighting in the Game Asset Generator script. It’s plugged in the compositor and will be visible on the generated albedo.

Nice ! :slight_smile:
Thanks for your brilliant work !
Beautiful images by the way, i’ll take a look at the game !

This looks really amazing! Thanks for your hard work! I am following this thread a while and I guess I have to take a deeper look!

2D mesh does not work?
2D Mesh Canvas script not found

If you need it, open the UV image editor and create a new image with 0.5 Value, save to HD, and then in 3d view use Import Images as Planes and tab to Texture Paint mode.

Dimy and red2blue: if you have a suggestion or feedback don’t hesitate! :slight_smile:

raziel_henzo: download a new zip you have maybe changed the script by mistake.

more palettes: strap, creature, lava, eye, lip and more

Added a sand stencil.

_ you can scale your texture in 2048512 and 5122048 with new nodes
_ presentation of the Game Asset Generator improved
_ the game asset generator tweak the zoom of the backdrop image in the compositor
_ the game asset generator display the number of meshes selected in the console
_ new palettes added
_ shadeless mode enabled for the GAMEPREV shader to paint your textures
_ the first layer has the same lighting than the lighting setup generated with the Game Asset Generator Script

_ white spots for color texturing fixed
_ 2D Mesh Canvas fix, it bugged when the first layer wasn’t active