Im working on one object with 5 diffrent materials and textures. If i create one material i select my edges and assign them, then continue on to the other sides edges i want to do, assiging each time. But my problem is that i assigned some wrong edges, then with circle deselect unselected them then reassiged the edges to the material. But when i close ( after saving) blender or skip over to work on another material and go back to the original material were i had made my mistake but corrected it, the mistake has returned.
By this i mean the the corrections i bought onto my materials and reassged doesnt hold, it flips back to the original material i made with the mistakes.
Ive tried adding vertice groups as well but that doesent seem to help.
A couple of buttons on the 3D window that are very useful here: “Face Select,” and the button which tells Blender to only select the face that’s closest to the viewport camera. Take your time, and carefully ensure that the desired face(s) is highlighted before making your material selection. It’s also useful to switch between types of views so that sometimes you see the materials and sometimes you omit them. And then … “patience.”
Hallo kesonmis, sorry my mistake i meant faces not edges. My dyslexic side sorry sorry.
Sundialsvc4: as i understand it, if uve selected and assigined faces u cant change it later so id have to start the whole process again making sure i do it correctly the first time?
If this is so , is this not something the blender develpers should work on. Surely being able to correct faults after there made is a normal part of software?
Under are my images of the fault i made and trying to correct it.
You can’t “unassign” materials from faces by deselecting those faces and hitting “Assign” again: “Assign” is a one-way street.
If you want to change a face’s material assignment, you will need to actively assign a different material to that face.
Not sure how this could be solved in a simpler way…
Say, you have a dozen materials on a mesh. And now you unassign one of the materials from a certain face: What is Blender supposed to do? Leave that face “material-less”? Most likely you want one of the 11 other materials to be assigned to that face, anyway, so
a) unassigning Material 1 and
b) assigning Material 2
would be an unneccessary two-step process, where as the actual solution is basically just the one step b) by overwriting the previous material assignment.