I’ve just started using blender and I’m trying to follow an eye tutorial but I can’t seem to get it right. The problem is, I select the faces of the outer sphere (there are 2 sphere 1 inside of another), go and click on NEW (in Link and Materials while in Edit Mode) and it changes to 1 Mat 1 so I click ASSIGN (no visual confirmation but I assumed something happened) then I hide the outer sphere and select the inner sphere. I do the same thing to make the inner sphere 2 Mat 2 and Assign it, but when I go to make the outer sphere transparent (after making sure I have 1 Mat 1, in object mode) both the inside sphere and outside sphere change instead of just the outer one. Anybody knows what I’m doing wrong?
Sorry if this a noob question, I’m new to 3D and this is like a new language to me. :o
you have to add a new material to 2 mat 2. Right now they both have the same material. In the materials buttons, click Add New on either 2 mat 1 or 2 mat 2
It’s a two-step process. New copies the current material to a new index. Assign takes the selected vertices and assigns them to that material. So, if you’re on 1 Mat 4 and click New, you get 5 Mat 5, but no one uses it. You then have to select which verts you want to be Mat 5, and then click Assign. see the wiki, I wrote it and will adjust if not clear. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Multiple_Materials
Thank you, that did it :yes: Now I can do more stuff with this, I’ve been trying to get this right so many times I’ve got it deep in my head now