Assumptions ISSUE ?

So I have a real interest on what absolutely everyone
except FREE_ATILY thinks about this conflict.

It seems to be diving the professionals crazy


:o Whats up people.
Im am working on a game called Assumptions
…This is the tittle…
I may not use this tittle but this is what I have so far.

The Game is my very first game i will be creating inside the blender game engine. Although I am only 13, I can pull off some big stuff.
Can’t is not in my vocab.

Anyway I’m not to good with codeing, but im getting better day by day.
So far I have created 3 up and running cars which can be driven across the roads you see in the images.
These images are the demo field which you people will test JUNE 23, 2006
---------Release date is June 23, 2006----------
Ill have it on my web site which is still underway.
What you should expect?
A gta style game
the works
Youll be able to walk in and out buildings
Your main character’s name is not cleared yet.
I have the plot of the game finished put I dont want to spoil it.
Ill update you people later on newer things.
In the last image you will see the character who is still under construction. There are no pic.s of cars yet. just wait…

Lastly, The game is still under very heavy construction,
the runtime landscape latter on in progress of the game will be a bit more inhanced. I just would like to know what u think of the senery.
(forgive me for my spelling)

Looks good! Seems like an interesting game. Make sure you aren’t being too ambitious, especialy if this is your first blender game. Keep up the good work!

Well, considering that you are 13, it’s ok for your first time. (although I have seen 10yrolds who can code with OGL and DX straight up, so my perspective on what to expect may be a little skewed)

Modelling and textures aside. A game capable of what you are describing is something that will require quite a bit of programming to pull off.

I “assume” you know python, and the BGE API.

Pretty good. I like the textures and shadows. Topics like these inspire me to work on my game.

Nice work so far. Let us know if you need any assistance along the way.

The landscape you saw took me about 3 days to do, 6-7 hours. So Im tryen to pull this game off fast. I understand the aftremath of rushing but time won’t seem to affiliate with my schedule . Its just my desposition life.
But I love the Blender game engine, and i can’t wait until this game is done.

also I am comfortable with the BGE API, and the python.

Nice I’m 13 too, but not as skilled as you. Anyway, I have one question.

           ---------Release date <b>is June 23, </b>2006----------

Do you mean 2007?

Oh yeah!
------------JUNE 23, 2007----------------
rEleAsE dAtE
for Assumptions

Raaaaaad. I wish I could just stick to a project.

For the alpha in your images:

I see that you have little white outlines around all your alphaed images. To fix this, load up whatever image you’re using, and flood fill in all the transparent space, with another color. For the trees I’d use green, but make sure it’s in another layer, and that layer is beneath the tree layer. Once that’s flood filled, select the layer that has the tree on it, and, using the magic wand tool, select the entire alpha part, though now it should look green because there’s a green flood filled layer underneath. This selection should have selected all the transparency you had before. now, with the transparency still selected, right click in your layer dialogue on the tree layer, and select Merge Down. You two layers should become one, but your selection should still be retained. Now go to Layer>Transparency>Threshhold Alpha, and bump the slider up to 255 and accept; or select a big eraser tool, and erase everything in your selection. Now your should have your transparency back. Save as a .png or .tga and reload your image into Blender, and Presto! The ugly white outline should be gone!

The reason this happens is that blender blurs surrounding pixels into each other so that stuff looks smoother and less pixelated. When you have an alpha image, Blender blurs the edge of the alpha image with the color that was there before you created transparency. In actuality, that color is still there for if the image is displayed by something that can read only 24 bit images, rather than 32. So what we did, is replace the white color with a green so it blends into the green, rather than the white.

Hope that helps. The screens are looking nice. Be sure to update this thread often!

Looks Good :D!

If its a GTA style game you might wanna keep the poly count as low as possible to refrain from kiling the framerate, also use the “landscape” technique (olnly renders what the camera is looking at; requires python) to get the best performance.

Wish you good luck on doing this, looking good for 3-days work but there is much, much more work ahead.
How did you set your release date? Your birthday? Well you have a lot of time to work. If you finish it I will play it for shure!

i like it my type of games right here. keep up the good work. ill be watching.

Looking cool my friend, i was just about to say about the release date you said “June 23 2006” i was think hmm hes a bit late :P.

But looks good keep it up and hope to see a demo soon.

I’ll reason with you…

3 more minutes

Now the GE forum has turn into a count down station :rolleyes: lol.

Ok I have some explaining to do.
First off I’m changing my avatar because, what I have right now is not flowen with me.
I’m so sorry everyone but I might have to extend the release date for 3 reasonable reason.

1.I’m grounded

  1. I just gave myself a reality check that there is only one person working on an enormous project.
    I didn’t mean that I couldn’t pull it off its just going to take a little bit longer.

  2. On top of all that I’m 14, I have school, and reading this difficult book called “To kill a Mocking Bird”
    People your going to have to bear with me for a little while

One person is so far creating the game Assumptions.
It’s a lot of work and this project won’t be easy but I continue to create it for the enjoyment
Am I scared if all the game data, images and my drawings where gone?
The answer is almost. I am no different from everyone, and at any time all my work can be lost. (I’m trying to let it go)
The voice dialogue will be from most family members.
My routine. I sit at home draw a landscape piece. Model it, texture it, give it a logic, then scrip it…………….and so on………………….

I have some new screens for you people…

Finally!!! I have squeezed in The CARS!!!
I took out the wheels because they messed up the overall look of the car. I’M WORKING ON SOME NEWER ONES

hOW do you like them. The purple car is 270 polys
The Blue car is around 370 polys.

Again i TOOK out the wheels because they messed up the overall look of the car

i WILL try to update this tread a little sooner than lastime…
Tell me some thoughts?

nice work. I like the cars

Have you pressed the Smooth button to remove those squared corners abit?

Other than that looking good. :slight_smile: