AT-ST Game Model

Hey! I just wanted to make this model and hopefully animate it and make a little game where the player can walk around and shoot. Heres some screenshots please give me any crits you can and any advice on animating :slight_smile: ps. should the legs be all one mesh or should i split the sections up for animation?

its pretty good so far you have the basic shape of an AT-ST. i cant tell though if you cut out two holes in the cockpit for the window thingie though. if you havn’t done that you should.

Hope to see this finished looking good so far :wink:
" should the legs be all one mesh " If it was me making the game I would not.

So you can make it when the leg is hurt really badly it fly’s off and lands on the ground o.O

But it’s your work you decide :wink:


okay i hadnt really considered adding holes where the viewports are, i was just going to texture them on but now that you mention it, i think it would look quite good so ill think about that. about the legs, right now they are separate from the body, but im wondering if each segment should be separate to make it easier to animate. i have next to no experience animating but it seems like for a clean mechanical animation, they should be separate segments but i want to hear from people with more experience than me and thanks for your help! im excited to get further into this, i feel fairly comfortable texturing so i was going to save that until its all animated