At World's End is Tomorrow!!

w00t!! Who’s going to see it? My friend and I are going as sort of a joint birthday thing, he’s literally only two days older than I am. I am so psyched…:D:spin::cool:

I saw it yesterday, it’s okay, a bit too long and it has too much plot lines for its own good. It would have been better, if they’d divided the movie from the middle as two seperate films. But the visuals are amazing and it has some pretty good laughs.


Blergh… Keira Knightley is pretty boring and tends to speak in a weird way sometimes, Orlando Bloom… just should take it easier beeing the cool hero/lover… But Johnny Depp, he’s the exciting person in the movies, imo. The trailer was very typical in my opinion. Choir, orchestra… blergh. Those are the feelings I have right now about going to see the film.

It premiered 23d, and that would be yesterday, here in Finland.

Why are you from Finland… ?

Ooh going too se it soon… Weeeeeeeeeeee !

ummm the answer is clear? He either moved or he was born there…

WHY are YOU from Finland?

I think that I have to go and see it too… First two were quite good.

Falgor: You’ll see wonders at the upper right corner of the posts, location:

The answer, born and still kickin.

OMFG funny pic. I am photoshoppin it to say “Missing” instead of that word that I cant pronounce. And maybe adding a mcDonald’s box by here to represent americas eating habbits!

I’m prolly goin’ to see it saturday. I don’t expect it to even have a storyline or acting worth mentioning (The only reason I was able to watch pirates II was because of the special effects), so it could easily surpass my expectations. Not that I expect it to. I’m rather more excited for Transformers, personally. and I might rewatch 28 weeks later (how could I not?)

goin tomorrow with my class for last day of school…hope its atleast better than the last one…

ill wait until it comes out on VHS

im only going because of chow yun-fat… :stuck_out_tongue:

Falgor: No dissing the Orchestra or the choir!! My dream is writing for a group like that…of course…just my opinion…

I’ll probably see it in a few days in the afternoon after the price goes down. Personally, I’m tired of paying $10 to see a movie. You can buy the stinkin’ movie for $25 in a few months…


I just found out that Jerry Bruckheimer is a producer of that movie. It also could possibly mean that the score is written by either Harry Gregson-Williams or Hans Zimmer. If it’s true then it’s kind of movie i can let myself watch. I haven’t seen the first two movies, but i think i’ll watch this one as soon as it gets to our country.

shuriku - what else has jerry bruckheimer produced?

mission impossible three

I am reasonably hopeful for number 3. Number 1 was great, and number 2… was… good, all the material was there, but it seemed a little rushed, and disjointed, and not all there, less like a movie and more like a bunch of seperate scenes. Interestingly enough, I heard later that yes, it WAS rushed quite a lot in getting it out the door (pressure from on high, etc.), and they filmed 2 and 3 at the same time, so hopefully number 3 will have had–during the production phase and, to a lesser extent, the production phase of number 2–a really good wind-up to get itself polished. That and I didn’t think number 2 was a full movie so much as it was a segue into 3, so that’s why I think it left some people feeling disappointed. So if it manages to cut things better together, and has the time to flow properly, and gets the full leadin-buildup-climax-denouement that a movie SHOULD have, it might actually be… well, hopefully really good.

Either that or I’m in denial. Anyway, I’m really hoping it won’t go all Spider-Man 3 on people. This might just be an extention of me rationalizing my fear. :stuck_out_tongue: