ATHF, toon marketing, boston can't tell.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force RULES!!

The mooninites shall destroy all of boston and repopulate it with the moon people BUWAHAHAHA!

Seriously though… are people that paranoid? How does one mistake a cartoon character with his middle finger stuck out for a terrorist bomb threat? It’s utter stupidity if you ask me.


OH NO! We’re all gonna die!!! Everyone find a bomb shelter!

Sad to see my old hometown behaving this way. I thought most Americans had outgrown hiding under their beds and wetting their pants when someone said Boo.

Everyone can make light of this situation if they want, but I feel damn safe knowing the government is protecting me from advertisements.

I thought most Americans had outgrown hiding under their beds and wetting their pants when someone said Boo.

They did, then Eastasia started bombing Oceania. Stay sharp. Be on the lookout for bombs powered by double A’s

holy crap this is crazy! How paranoid are these people?!

Well, maybe the guys who put the signs up could have actually told the authorities ahead of time what they were planning on doing, then there wouldn’t have been a big scare. Seriously, how hard would that have been to make a phone call?

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What has the world come to when you have to alert the police that you’re going to post promotions around the city?

Well according to CNN, there are permits for “guerrila advertising” (yea, those greedy suits want their cut, even from that), but it turns out that those permits cost more than the fines you would have to pay if they cought you doing that without a permit.

Umm, hello, because it’s the law? Advertisers can’t just go posting up signs/billboards/etc without a permit on public property. I think at the very least these guys should be fined for posting advertisements without a valid permit.

Anyway, I’m starting to get sick of all this marketing & advertising crap. You can’t go anywhere without seeing some stupid ad. To me this is just as bad as spam. It’s just unsolicited garbage that has no real meaning or value. I mean really, who except the people who already watch that show are going to even know what those shiny signs even meant? So how is that going to boost their ratings? I really get tired of all these ads, thats why I won’t buy magazines anymore, why should I have to pay to sift thru garbage every other page. Same with TV & the internet (thank God for ad-blockers). There’s even ads on eggs now!

Next thing you know, they’ll be projecting ads onto the surface of the moon. Nothing is sacred.

Sorry for the rant, but this just really ticks me off.

how hard would that have been to make a phone call?

In a sane world, actually no; in a sane COUNTRY it would be no problem at all. But in the US you get, “if you know the name of the person you are calling press 1, if you know the extension of the” aaaaaaghhh!. So you dial again, press 9, press 7, press 3, press hash to talk to a person… and you wait while listening to Barry Manilow, and you wait…

Three days later when you decide to call by the cop shop yourself and you get to tell the Police Community Liason Officer, Washington County, Ward 7 what you intend doing you’re told that since you will need the blessings of all nine wards the only way you’ll get a hearing is to present your case to the County Board of Procrastinators. Six months and eight days later after your petition is heard and deliberated on the floor for an hour and forty five min you’r advised to submit it in writing (with necessary diagrams) so that full deliberation can give you the fullest opportunity of a fair and just hearing.

Nineteen years and twenty-seven meetings later you get a letter from the CBoP that the matter actually rests within the jurisdiction of Parks and Pecreations and, since yours is a commercial venture you will first have to get the necessary forms from the Dept of Commerce and Trade before P&P will consider your request.

We know how it should work, trouble is it doesn’t. It actually works better in the 3rd world. The way it should work is people hired as cops should exhibit moderate to very moderate vestiges of neural activity before being placed in positions of authority. Connections with the good ol boys should be grounds for exclusion.


I guess then they will have to decide:

Voice mail hell or jail time? Or the third option, give us a rest from the stinkin’ ads already!

Gee - How do they get the chickens to swallow the little blinking circuit boards? :eek:

[offtopic] march 24th… :evilgrin: [/offtopic]

anyway, that entire thing is crap. and hell, I seriously doubt william’s street would bother to try and get them fined for that. (unless they already were, i didn’t read the article)
It’d be great if this got a little feature in the next athf dvd. kinda like salad fingers.