ATI Vs. Nvidia

Does anyone have any firm oppinions about the matter?

It is kinda well known that Nvidia is better for linux computer (at least easier to set up) and i’ve been hearing in magazines and stuffs that currently Nvidia is a bit ahead of ATI in quality. I’m using a ATI Radeon 9550 but that was before i’ve learned of this so I plans to upgrade my motherboard anyway and pick one that works well with Nvidia so I can use it even better.

I just got a second GFX card for SLI mode… nothing but problems. Nvidia didn’t even have properly working drivers when they released the technology to the public, so its buggy as crap…

bit dissapointing really.

also Nvidia chipset drivers for linux are crap. they have OSS sound support (not ALSA) and are pretty poor in keeping these chipset drivers up to date.

for GFX sure they are good, but not great.


oh ok, i don’t really have alot of experiences with graphic cards but that what i’ve been hearing about.

I develop serious games for a living. This debate could go on and on, but I have had fewer problems getting my software to work on nVidia cards than anything else. Are their boards better? Couldn’t say, but they’ve given me fewer headaches than ATI.

don’t get me wrong i like Nvidia… but they are getting sloppy with their linux support especially. not so much for GFX, but for chipsets.

and SLI is a very specific technology for running two GFX cards at once.


The only problems I have with my graphics card (ATI mobility radeon 9700) is that it was modified to work in my laptop, and that’s Acer’s fault, not ATI’s. (I’m running windows XP BTW, I have no Idea about the Linux compatibility) So my opinion is that there’s not enough difference to let the brand name sway my decision in buying a card (specs are more important to me)

Does anyone know if OpenEXR runs as well on ATI as Nvidia?

I been using Nvidia type cards for years on linux. Starting with Geforce2 and now currently have GeForce FX 5900, and throughout the years, I didn’t have any problems with the drivers. I know that NVIDIA keeps up with drivers pretty regualarly, like monthly or so. I heard that ATI does not release the drivers as quick. There seems to be bigger help forums on NVIDIA vs ATI. I hope that helps.

I am currently using SUSE 10.1, and the driver works wonderfully.

GNU is Not Unix…

in the news today, ATI being bought by AMD:cool:

can you point us to a link that says this? it just mean to give ahint of a new and not tell where to find the infos :wink:

Reading about that now…Too bad it wasn’t NVidia that they bought, that would’ve almost been a match made in heaven.

well maybe this way AMD can makeover the ATI company and have it improves itself. I personally think that if this happens it would be better as since the better competitions there are between business rival the better the deals sometime come out.

re: link to AMD buying ATI, heard it on the radio :slight_smile:

News 1130 I think / Vancouver


oh ok thanks
truth. Anyways, having used both an ATI (9800) and a NVIDIA (7900 GS), I can’t see a noticable diffrence. Now on to the merger. Could it be an attempt to get into the consumer market? Most computers bought from a major corpatration, say Dell, are Intel machines. Reads artical further AH, whats this?

ATI sells chipsets to Intel?. But still, at almost 6 BILLION USD, it doesn’t seem worth it, seeing as NVIDIA is doing better.


Wow! Teh most helpful post evah!!1!!!

Seriously, how does that even relate to the discussion? You’re right, GNU is not Unix. But we weren’t talking about GNU or Unix. We’re talking about video cards.

I vote nVidia. In general, they seem to be more compatible with Blender and other things, and they offer Linux support. (Plus they have a cooler name. I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for that kind of thing.)

And I stated which OS I use.

@ Alltaken: re nvidia audio support on linux.

You sure it is an nVidia problem? AFAIK most onboard sound chips are Realtek (I know mine on my NV nForce4 m/b is, and it has ALSA support. Maybe the problem isn’t from nVidias end, but from the audio chip manufacturer’s.

I could be wrong, but it sounds like it isn’t necessarily nVidia’s fault.
