I only post on this forum after i have LITERALLY exhausted every avenue, watched every tutorial and slid down a major rabbit hole! That being said I am having an issue with attaching a jacket to my character. This is how it starts… Armature and character in T-Pose…
Through my research I have tried… Weight Paint… Transferring Weights… I tried Data Transfer … generating Groups… I tried Jacket to body CTRL L … Transfer mesh data and I get this…
The jacket stays on, but the sleeves do not… I watched a “sculpt tutorial” but that just messes up the sleeves so bad… It is also not colliding with the pants even with collision on pants. I think I need the jacket to have a cloth modifier, but when I add that to the jacket it rips to shreads.
There is clearly something I am missing here if anyone can chime in or send a link to how to fix this.
1- First thing, make sure the cloth starts in the same position as the character. If the character is in T-pose, the cloth needs to also be and cover the character correctly, without intersecting anything.
2- Once that is done, you need to skin the cloth on the armature. The shape of the cloth needs to match the armature to connect to it correctly.
3- After you have done that, you then transfer weights from the character to the cloth, so they deform exactly the same. This works best if the cloth’s polygon structure matches the character’s perfectly (if the cloth was made by duplicating and expanding the character’s own mesh). The lower part of the cloth may look a bit wonky because it doesn’t match the legs, but that part will be taken over by the cloth, so it’s fine.
4- At this point, the cloth should follow the movements of the rig. When it does, only now you can add the cloth sim.
5- The cloth is not going to stay on the character very well, so you need to use a pinning group to attach the upper parts of the cloth to the rig.
I got to your first point… #1…I already did 2,3, and 4 … Hence the post… If the Jacket is in A Pose and the Armature is in T Pose WITH animation how do you suggest I “Skin the Cloth”? As I said I tried getting the jacket in the T-Pose by sculpting and that did not work.
Have you tried the sculpt mode’s pose brush? It should at least help you get the position roughly correct. Maybe you will still need to do a bit of work after to smooth and adjust the result, considering that the cloth isn’t built for the character.
Thanks for the link… its 3 years old… But I get why you sent it… So what you are saying is that the only way to get a piece of clothing that was made in A pose to T Pose is Sculpt it?
You could also do it in edit mode with proportional editing, using the 3D cursor as pivot at the shoulder.
Or you could temporarily rig the cloth in A-pose with its own armature just to then deform it and make it match the character, then apply that temporary armature.
Or you could select all the polygons of the arm, manually rotate them and move them in front view, then smooth the transition afterwards (if the topology is simple enough that this gives a clean result).
There is rarely just one way to do something in 3D art, I simply gave you what I think might be the most direct, easiest method to understand in this situation.