Attaching things together in Blender

Hey guys. I have just gotten into modeling in blender, and I am having trouble joining two different parts of an object that I am editing.

How would I go about joining this foot with the leg? As you can see, I can’t just create faces to link them up because there are many vertices on the foot, and not that many on the leg. Subdividing the edges on the leg will work to create new vertices, but it screws up that face. If I do that, then I can’t perform loop cuts around the leg because Blender won’t let me.

Is there a method that I am missing?

If you have more vertices at the foot, I would use edge select, select an edge from the leg, than select some edges from the foot that are fitting roughly to the length of the selected leg edge, and than press “f” to fill the section (you´re getting NGons then!).
But I think subdividing the leg would be easier and has better results.

You either need more edge loops in the leg, less in the foot, make a loop reduction somewhere, or combine any of those.

Yes, subdividing an edge will make the shared face as an n-gon, which is a face with more than 4 vertices/edges/sides. Same if you subdivide just some of the connected faces, the surrounding faces will be n-gons.

Loop cut and slide (ctrl+R) subdivides edge rings which only exist with quadrilateral (quad) faces, those are faces with 4 vertices/edges/sides. You could literally select an edge ring and subdivide, and the resulting geometry would be the same as doing a loop cut.

Once you have right amount of geometry in both the connection is easy: select the unconnected edges on both and W -> bridge edge loops.