Attempted photorealism: What am I missing here?

Hey all,
this is my first attempt on nature/archviz renderings.
I am aiming for photorealism but there is no doubt I’m far away from that. :zipper_mouth_face:

But what is it that I’m missing here?
Any hints and tips for a new blender user on how to improve from here?

I have a feeling that the grass should be improved. Any ideas?


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Welcome :tada:,
hmm well the gras and the tree may need some work (not bad not bad) but what i noticed is the ground is somekind of too clean. This make it look eerie… The metal shader of the chairs may also add somekind of WTF to it (the cylinder on the tablet look better). Also he light on the cubes of the wall…?? I think the sun would be too strong for this to see… (Lights if the sun is that brigth?? Maybe for a night verson with candles on the table/ground…). Just my first impression and unimportant thoughts…