attribute error when exporting to cal3d?

I’m trying to export a model to cal 3d and when i go to export it says:
Attribute Error ‘armature’ object has no attribute ‘getBones’
so what do i do now?

cal3d import/export has been removed since nobody is maintaining it or fixing any bugs.

I already maintain more of other peoples scripts then Id like so sombody who uses cal3d should step up to it.

We can add it back again if sombody can make a stable version.

Ok, thanks for the info.

At this time I think it’s better to use one of the versions that have been posted in this forum. (there is also one on the cal3d site) Here is one that I have fixed and tested

from reading that script, it has no support for images :confused: maybe Im missing somthing…

I think image support works, for example

— Materials —


and in tsthair.crf it has a path to an image

ah, texface images dont work but textured images do.