This is the Audi R8 I just finished. Not perfect (especialy the windows i know) but if you notice anything don’t hesitate to point it out.
I like it maybe you should ad a roof scoop or a hood!
I dont see anything wrong with the windows could you please explain?
Whats the black part behind the door?
But all in all good job!
bout the windows, its that side windowss reflection. its a bit blurred and and looks weird compared to front window (are actualy same material) its just the lighting i know but its not quite right.
The black thing is whatever you want it to be. Its the Audi R8 how they designed it. here check it out:
the render is very dark and monochromatic. If you improved your lighting, it would make it look a ton better.
il agree with you there. Its HDR lighting so id have to find a better hdr or add some lamps. any suggestions?
bout the darkness i did re render it a bit lighter but i have an issue telling when its too dark.
You see, my screen seems to make everything extremely light and colorful so to me a render is clean and crips, with bright but not excessive light. I do have another screen and figured it out cause i moved a pic from one to the other and it instantly became dark and damn near impossible to make out the pic.
Well, first you should try and adjust your monitor so it displays more like what most peoples display. Or, if you don’t like it that way all the time, just set it that way after you render something.
As for the lighting, you could try rendering with a different hdri first, and if that doesn’t work, you could make your own light setup and just use the hdr image as a world background (just turn off hdr lighting, but keep the image in the world texture panel). This way, your car gets nice reflections, but you control the lighting.
Heres a good site for ya:
Good luck!
Oh i see now and good job though but i agree the render is a little dark!
And maybe you should check out the lighting tutorial on wikipedia i would sen it but i cant find it…
yo thanks a bunch for those probes, i was looking everywhere for a good one and it had one that worked. I had to do two renders (first was a bit off) but this is what i came out with. I think it looks awesome.
Lightings better and its a new angle
On (from this pic) the right side of the roof there are some bumps.
oh yeah, well that was my shotty work with the gimp. I had to photoshop the bg above the car and on the sides a bit so it aint so smooth. Ive never really done much work like that so its kinda noticeable.
The left of the roof is also not to smooth around the edges.
Ah, it looks much better now. I like your rims a lot too.
I like the new render alot more good job.But maybe you should try to get some of those bumps out. Im not sure how to go about doing it so i cant help there but maybe someone else does.Great job.