For all the French speakers and lovers of 3d image evolution, I will suggest you this site.
In it I found this
And this company
Tokyo Geisha Entertainement
Have a look to this movie
Yes Sony is doing something alike with The Eye of Judgement
Why not a book…
We have thinks like this(That a blog in Japenese, just look at the images)
I forgote the name of those kind of book in English?
Here an exemple withNarnia
Thoses books have a story line completed with this volumes in paper, the story is continuing on more than several pages.
What I was willing to say is that augmented reality is use as an illustration, technical astonishing thing, but it is not yet used as an element of the story, on a book , for several pages.
That a big challenge, I think, technically and artistically.
Do you have information about a company, an artist, trying to do something like this??
I am trying to finds people interested by this.
Artists at firsts…and technicians…