Augmented reality used in book scenario

For all the French speakers and lovers of 3d image evolution, I will suggest you this site.
In it I found this
And this company
Tokyo Geisha Entertainement
Have a look to this movie
Yes Sony is doing something alike with The Eye of Judgement
Why not a book…
We have thinks like this(That a blog in Japenese, just look at the images)

I forgote the name of those kind of book in English?
Here an exemple withNarnia
Thoses books have a story line completed with this volumes in paper, the story is continuing on more than several pages.
What I was willing to say is that augmented reality is use as an illustration, technical astonishing thing, but it is not yet used as an element of the story, on a book , for several pages.
That a big challenge, I think, technically and artistically.

Do you have information about a company, an artist, trying to do something like this??

I am trying to finds people interested by this.
Artists at firsts…and technicians…

les films
some movies … gment_tech … re=related

Les sociétés et autres

companies and else


juste pour ajouter un peu d’info…

Just some info to add…

I know how ta do augmenting of reality very easily, with only virtual dub, Blender, and Voodoo. Very simple actually, can even make a 3D object go behind another object in reality, I can make a tutorial on it, but it takes a LOT of patience, but it mainly depends on what you want to do, and you’ll also have to split every camera angle into different videos, which is time consuming, and it may take up a lot of space, because you need to split each frame into an image sequence, which can go up to around 300% the original file size

That sounds very interesting. I would like to see a tutorial for it.

Crazy to found a post 10 years ago, and how things, industries have changed. Why this was up in my notifications?