[AUS] electrofringe festival

This is pasted from an email I just received. Might be interesting for the few Blender users here on the east coast of Australia - could be a good way to show off your work.

>Electrofringe Festival Call for Screen Works.
>1 to 6 October 2003 in Newcastle NSW Australia.
>For more information on Electrofringe Festival visit
>We want to see and hopefully screen your beautiful video/dvd at this
>EF!. Be it
>cut/up, arthouse, pop kitsch or glitch we want it…not excluding any
>other genre’s of
>course, student films doco’s, animation etc, etc.
>Info on how to submit your work;
>* Closing date for submissions - 25 July 2003.
>* Length of your screen work - maximum of 20 minutes.
>* Format to submit your work on - Mini DV Pal (Include a return prepaid
& >self
>addressed envelope, if you would like your tape back. We will only be
>returning tapes
>in late Sept 2003.)
>* All Mini DV Pal tape submissions must be submitted with a
>form ­ these
>can be downloaded from www.electrofringe.org
>* Please address & post your parcels to:
>Electrofringe - Video Screening
>72 Holmwood Street, Newtown, NSW, 2042, Australia
>See you at the Festival!
>vicky clare & gail priest
>electrofringe co-directors
> 1 to 6 newcastle 2003
> nsw, australia

Looks interesting…I’ll have a read through while am at workshop/study:)
wait a sec…Newcastle?..