Auto Mirror EX


Combines the functionality of the “Mirror Mirror Tool” addon


Demo video:

Added Function:

Combines the functionality of the “Mirror Mirror Tool” addon, which is a Blender 2.79 addon.

Mirror another object to an axis.
First select the objects you want to mirror,
Second select the objects you want to be axis and then execute.
Set up a regular mirror if there is only one selected object.

BlenderAddons/ at master · fornof/BlenderAddons · GitHub

Added Toggle Mirror

Switch on / off the Modifier named Mirror or mirror_mirror.

Added Keymap:

  • Alt + Shift + X …… Mirror X
  • Alt + Shift + Y …… Mirror Y
  • Alt + Shift + Z …… Mirror Z
  • Alt + Shift + F …… Toggle Mirror

Specification change:

Changed all operator names from “object. ~” To “automirror. ~”.
Example: automirror.mirror_mirror_x
This is to avoid operator name conflicts with other add-ons.

! This will require you to correct the operator name if you have key settings that you have registered yourself !