I’m having no luck googling if this Blender add-on exists.
I’d like for my text objects to auto rename, so that instead of being called Text.001 etc. the name of the text object matches whatever I type in edit mode.
Is there an add-on or script for this?
Thanks to anyone who can assist.
Hi, you can use this script:
import bpy
def rename_text_objects():
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
for obj in selected_objects:
if obj.type == 'FONT':
text_content = obj.data.body
if text_content:
obj.name = text_content
print("Work is done!")
first select your all text objects. And run the script.
If your text is ‘Cat’ and there’s already an object named ‘Cat’ in the scene, the following addition to @Omer_Faruk_Davarci’s script ensures it gets renamed to ‘Cat’ instead of ‘Cat.001’.
import bpy
def rename_text_objects():
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
for obj in selected_objects:
if obj.type == 'FONT':
text_content = obj.data.body
if text_content:
# Check if there's an existing object with the same name
if text_content in bpy.data.objects:
existing_obj = bpy.data.objects[text_content]
new_name = text_content + "_old"
while new_name in bpy.data.objects:
new_name += "_old"
existing_obj.name = new_name
obj.name = text_content
print("Work is done!")
Thank you both for taking the time to reply.
I’m likely doing something wrong, as when I attempt to run the first script blender returns the following error message:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “\Text”, line 18, in
File “\Text”, line 15, in rename_text_objects
AttributeError: Writing to ID classes in this context is not allowed: Text, Object datablock, error setting Object.name
And when I try to run the second script, blender returns this error:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “\Text”, line 24, in
File “\Text”, line 22, in rename_text_objects
AttributeError: Writing to ID classes in this context is not allowed: Text, Object datablock, error setting Object.name
Any ideas where I may be going wrong?
I’m using Blender version 4.3.2
Thanks again
i tried the second script - works like a charm.
Maybe you can provide your blend file and tell us, which objects you selected?
another question: did you just run the code or did you copy the code somewhere in your code and run that?
Thank you. It’s working fine today for me too!
Not sure where I went wrong yesterday.
Thanks to all for your help, it’s very much appreciated.