Auto-retopology tools compared

I’ve made a quick comparison between the Blender add-ons Tesselator / Particle Remesh and Dynremesh, using their default settings. In terms of even topology distribution, Tesselator / Particle Remesh seems to be the best of the two Blender solutions, using its own algorithm in stead of a combination of native Blender tools (Dynremesh). Interestingly, after subdivision, both solutions show topology artifacts in different areas.

In conclusion, these Blender add-ons don’t have the sophisticated results of 3D-Coat Autopo or ZBrush ZRemesher, but those are of course relatively expensive commercial tools. The polygon flow in both Blender add-ons could be better, and the six-sided singularities (star-shaped edge junctions) should ideally be absent, with as few five-sided singularities as possible.

Here’s the Blender file:

Blender auto-retopo add-ons test Blender (3.5 MB)

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