Auto Selecting All Faces With A Specific Texture

Hello all,
I really hope that someone can help me. I am thinking there has got to be a way to do this in Blender, but I can’t find it and it is going to take me forever to manually select all the appropriate faces.

First of all, I am using Blender v249.2. I have a very large, very complicated scene and I have applied, via UV mapping, the same stucco wall texture on most of the buildings. I would like to make all of the faces that are using this wall texture uniform in the UV layout. The way that I would like to do this is to use “Unwrap (Smart Projection)”. Here is what I need to know:

Is there a way that I can select a face with specific texture, or select the texture some other way, and then auto select every other face in the scene with the same texture so that I can run the “Unwrap (Smart Projection)”?

Next question is this: Is there a way (via some settings perhaps) to run the “Unwrap (Smart Projection)” and get it to keep everything uniform in the X and Y?…I find that “Unwrap (Smart Projection)” likes to rotate certain islands to get things to fit and I would prefer that it didn’t in this case.

You can do it through the material. Have a material with a texture and in the materials panel select all faces the material is assigned to.

Instead of smart projections, why not use Project from View, if you only need X and Y orientation that should do fine.

I am using my models/blend files in the Unity 3D Game Engine, where it automatically creates a material for each texture that I UV. Basically, I am not using materials in Blender, I am just selecting faces, and then UVing textures on those faces directly, so that solution probably won’t help me…though it sounds like it would if I were using materials. Any ideas on how I can select all the faces using the same texture without a material applied?

As for the “project from view” option, I am desiring to select a whole building or a set of buildings (just the wall textures) and then UV them proportionally all at one time, in one shot. I realize that I could manually select every wall and project from view but that is what I am trying to avoid, though you are correct, that would keep everything orientated in the X & Y like I would like.

BTW ptbbastos, if I were using materials, where is that feature exactly?

Although I haven’t found a way to select faces sharing the same texture yet, I just found “Average Islands Scale” and it rocks!

I can just keep all my existing UV layouts and once I get through the rather tedious process of manually selecting all of the faces sharing the same textures (which I am now trying to assign to custom vertex groups) I can just run this one operation and it makes everything uniform, which is one of the things I was trying to do. : )

My clumsy fingers found the hotkey I needed by accident. What serendipity!

I selected a face and hit Shift+G, which brings up the “Select Similar Faces” menu. If I select image it does what I need. I hope this helps someone else in the future.

Brilliant stuff you just found! It is very handy! Thank you :smiley: