this is a duvet, made up of 20 or 30 “cushions”.
i have one cushion, then the rest are an array modifier.
the selected edge is the edge i wanna join onto the other cushion,
below this line is another i wanna join as well to the adjacent cushion
@a59303 merge by distance makes a bit of a mess.
doesn’t look bad, but i rather they merge in at the center, between each individualy cushion
any idea how to merge them using merge at center?
The only other solution I can think of is to select the opposing edges and bridge (edge selection mode > right click > bridge edge loops), and maybe add some sort of seem with a loop cut on the bridge.
I think though that if you look on youtube you may find a better way to build a duvet… You may have to start from scratch but it might be more efficient.
@rigoletto weld, as well, creates some uneven geometry; i realize duvets won’t end up having perfect geometry and weld (along with the merge) might be perfectly fine solutions, but now that i tried to stitch this in just a couple of clicks, i wanted to try the mesh to have a perfect geometry. something i didn’t achieve, but close enough:
it’s not the auto stitch i was expecting could be done easily, but it’s good enough.
thanks for the suggestions @Okidoki, @rigoletto and @a59303 - thanks for the other suggestion as well, with edge loops, but im not that advanced in blender, and the end result is good enough for now - i might give it a look if i want to redo the duvet,