May be what I’m saying is already known and o little help, but Ithink its better an already seen news than a news not shown!
During hte last weeks I’ve experimented with Autocad dxf exporting, and after many incuccesses, finally I get my result, and now I know how to export from Autocad to import in Blender.
First of all, we have to make two distinct situation:
1- for 3d objects
2 - for 2d objects
1 - 3D OBJECT-
the *.dxf files saved directly from Autocad are NOT readeble from Blender. The only thing to do is:
saving in *.3ds format, open the 3ds with Crossroads3d or another converter and save it in *.dxf. Than yu can open it with Blender with no problem.
2- 2D OBJECT -
The *.dxf files saved directly from Autocad are readebla from blender, but only for a single object type:
All other Object in have in your drawings:
-BLOCKS (Including dimensions)
CANNOT be imported in Blender.
So for example you can’t import a 2d circle, but you can:
Import a 2d poligon with an high number of sides,
Export a 3d cilinder in 3ds and after in *.dxf.
In any case, when you import a dxf file the result is a single object, but as always you can separate any mesh selecting vertices with “L” key.
These are the resukt of some days of experiments. I hope it could be useful. Please let me know if i made some errors, or said somthing wrong.
All the test Has been made with Autocad 2000i and the dxf exporting has been made in all the possible formats (2000, R14, R13, R12)