Automatic edge dissolution

Hi, I would need to dissolve edges such as in the picture below where I started to do it manually (selected each edge and used Dissolve Edge). Instead of the manual approach which is time consuming, I would like to select a face ring and tell Blender to automatically dissolve edges in that selection with a configurable factor (on the picture below this is a factor of 2). Is there an automated tool for this in Blender 2.69? So fat the decimator tools I have seen are working on the whole model and not on a selection. Thanks.

If you hide all of the geometry other then that circular strip of faces, then select it all and go to Select -> Checker Deselect while in edge selection mode it should almost do what you want.

I have to ask… why do you want to create a bunch of six-sided ngons?

@Jaslek: thanks ! Just tried this, that did something close indeed, see picture:

@m9105826: this is a UV sphere, I am trying to reduce the poly count in certain areas at the top and bottom.