Hello everyone
I am currently working on a small project in which I have to do the same type of actions many times, including the ‘knife project’.
The question is this: after the ‘knife project’, the blender automatically connects several vertexes, but it does not do it in an optimal way (see the picture).
I’m already tired of editing it every time …
Is there some way to get him to do it more correctly (so that the edges are perpendicular (at least they strive for this)?
But why ? Such topology are anyway need some fixes (triangulation at least) before exporting, as example.
There’s nothing you can do with how blender does it automatically, but if you use the triangulation modifier you’ll see that those the two vertices are actually connected.
You can also try doing an insert (and not the two edge loops) on the top face of the large block and aligning the insets vertices to get 4 ideal corners when you do the next step.
Then do a Intersect (Boolean) in the Face Menu or Ctrl-F.
Set the options like in this image…
Your misunderstanding comes from the fact that you don’t answer my specific question, but come up with some situations of your own.
My specific question was: can I teach a blender to do this and that? Instead of a specific answer to this question, you fall into lengthy discussions on why it is necessary, etc. and how should I act in situations that I did not ask about, and then you are surprised that you do not have information on a specific case (which is natural, since my question was not about my project as a whole, and about the specific algorithm of Blender).
Think about it and maybe you’ll have fewer misunderstandings in the future…
There are two questions in your initial post. The why is due to the fact that any mesh datastructure has features or when said the other way around limitations. Typically its a tradeoff between performance and features. Or spatial/topological query options versus creation and storage overhead. In short these edges are there to ensure that the underlying datastructure is able to store/describe that face. Concave ngons are allowed but not faces with fully enclosed holes. And the edge chosen is the first one that fullfills the criteria for the datastructure to be valid, its not the nicest one chosen. So emphasis lied on performance. Btw are there many differing optimization possibilities. Like curvature or edge length, valences and in the end it might even turn out to that the edge is best placed along material seams.
So no there is no existing solution that automatically solves this in blender. Limited dissolve has some suboptions, but not those you hope for if I remind right.
Its honestly not very difficult to write an addon that optimizes that for a selection of touching ngons. That could be your way to go.
It was two sentences… …and:
No… you can’t teach any app and blender do not know what you might think is “correct”. In this example it just make the needed edges.
Like in everything else in the world : if someone wants some specific “behaviour” then someone has to do it so. There is no mindreading for any application or user when someone adds “wishes” afterwards.
And some people just did already answer some questions for a while…
Yes, and thank them for that.
What I don’t understand is why you keep writing me obvious things that are already clear (especially since, as you wrote yourself, some people have already written to me about all this)))
Just to write something?)))