Automatic Reload script for the UV/Image Editor

I am thinking of writing a script wich allows to one to let the UV/Image Editor reload an image automatically per 5 secs or something…
I have some expierience in programming with Python, but not really with writing scripts for Blender. So is it possible to write such a script?
If it is: what is the code for just reloading an Image in the UV/Image Editor, where can I find this?

Thanks in advance.


I added the reload function a while back for this purpose
and used it to pipe screencaptures of the gimp into blender :slight_smile: - got about 5/10 fps.

This should work!- make it a redraw scriptlink.,

  • Hint! For fast updating disable mipmaps in the preferences.
    It means that for every reload, blender dosent have to re-generage a multi-resolution set of images.

import Blender
import os
img= Blender.Image.GetCurrent() # currently displayed picture.
path= Blender.sys.expandpath(img.filename)
if Blender.sys.exists(path):
  t= os.path.getctime(path)
  if t != Blender.my_image_time:
  Blender.my_image_time= t # global, persists between running the scripts.

Thanks for your reply,

Guess its just my stupid fualt, but when I run this script an error occurs

This is what I did:
-I copied your script in the Text window;
-I loaded an image in the UV/Image Editor + I made a cube in the 3D window and textured the texture from the Image Editor on the cube;
-I made a scriptlink and turned it on Redraw;
-I pressed ALT+P in the text window.

So… How do I fix this?

oops… after
import Blender



This will initialize my_image_time if its not there.

Thanks for your reply again,
This is how my code looks like:

import Blender
import os 
img= Blender.Image.GetCurrent() # currently displayed picture. 
path= Blender.sys.expandpath(img.filename) 
if Blender.sys.exists(path): 
  t= os.path.getctime(path) 
  if t != Blender.my_image_time: 
  Blender.my_image_time= t # global, persists between running the scripts.

But when I edit the texture in Gimp (after I pressed ALT+P ofcourse), and save it, blender doesn’t reload the texture I just edited (thats what I want to do with the reload script…).

Got it working…
You needed to redraw the image view, also make sure the current image isnt None.

Thanks for your reply.

but it still isnt workling for me :frowning: , what am I doing wrongh?
I just copied the script in Blenders text editor
I loaded an image in the UV/Image Editor + I made a cube in the 3D window and textured the texture from the Image Editor on the cube;
I made a scriptlink and turned it on Redraw;
I pressed ALT+P in the text window. After that I made some changes to the image texture, I saved it…but no changes to the texture in Blender… :frowning: