Automatic weighting issues

Hello folks!

I came here to ask help for a problem that I have with automatic weighting on a rig. I want to rig a soldier and have the model and the armature set up according to some video tutorials on the web.

It used to work with a different soldier, but now with this one when I apply the armature with automatic weights, the result is horrendous and I do not know what to do.

Can someone give advice on what to do to improve automatic weighing accuracy or maybe tell me the quickest and most efficient way to do the weighting manually if I have to?

If someone wants to look at it themselves in blender, I made zip that hopefully has everything inside it that the .blend needs: [Link taken down due to request]

Before anyone calls me a pirate, I know where this model comes from. I want to use it for posing and artwork, not for publishing the rigged model to a free 3D model site.

Any input would be appreciated.

You’ve already posted it to the web??? Yeah, you’re a pirate. :smiley:

I had expected someone to come up with that, but in this case it’s for educational purposes. :smiley:

No, I don’t think you did expect it. Had you expected it you wouldn’t have left yourself so open to it. The problem with the automatic weights is an absolute, beginner level issue. But this is not a place where someone is going to hold your hand in ripping game models.

Do something “for educational purposes” and grow beyond stealing other peoples work.

It was my understanding that I am allowed to use what I paid for in any way that I want - besides infringing copyright by either saying that I created something that I didn’t or by selling something that I didn’t create. Neither of these is what I plan to do. Is fan art forbidden if it uses game content?
If the link is the issue, I’ll take it down. I just thought it might help others in helping me.

When I was looking for a forum to post my problem to, I thought this was a nice active place. But if everyone here is like you, then I better let an admin kill my account and go elsewhere.

the issue your having could be any number of things…

you will most likely have to post a blend file for us to look at…
if you can’t post on BA yet go to …

post it there… come back here and give us the download site…
note that pasteall has a special blend file posting feature …
you will find it in the upper right hand corner of the site…