Automation to create large pattern ...

I have this very large pattern to create with 2 rows of thin hexagons and 2 rows of fat hexagons.
Just wondering if there is a way in Blender to just create a small part of it and then to tell it just to repeat the
pattern for a very large area. Its not a texture its actual geometry. It has depth and bevel.
Is there a way to tile geometry?

Also … I am selecting faces and assigning different materials to each one.
Is there a way to select all X facing faces or Y facing faces or Z facing faces so I don’t have to spend zillions of hours selecting
each one?

Select one face with material, then Shift G to select similar material.
Select one face, then Shift G to select coplanar.
With vertex groups, I think you could store the latter and subtract selection.

I would probably create the minimum geometry needed, then use dupliverts or duplifaces to clone them.

Thank you awesome! :slight_smile: