
I’ve seen that the Blender community doesn’t like/want undo … while i personally totally dissaproove with that … I’m not going to change the world … I if you can’t beat them join them:

    I see you recomend saving rather than undo-ing ... isn't there some auto-save (with increment version) every 30 seconds? Is an undo feature EVER intended to be implemented?


In the info buttons you can set the time for autosave. There is an undo of sorts. U while still in edit mode will return you to your original settings. If you want to play with an undo function try shmender:


The Autosaving is there, by default 4 minutes

You’ll find it in whatever your TEMP dir is as <process id>.blend

There are several ways of ‘faking’ undo, look at the online doc ‘QuickStart’ section


Why dont people want an undo function? Does it take up too much memory?


I think an undo function is feature request #1. Unfortunately all developers (including me) look at feature requests #2 and lower :wink:

Seriously though, the current architecture of Blender is not suitable for implementing the undo. There’s a source rewrite/restructuring planned for Blender (version 2.5). Maybe that’s a good time to look at how much is involved in implementing the undo/redo functionality in Blender. I certainly am all for it :slight_smile:

As for memory consumption: no, if implemented well, the only data required to store internally is the delta of each operation. Some operations require more data to be stored than others. There are plenty of good examples on how to manage this. I’m not going into details on this as I think this is not the right place nor the time.

With regards,

wow … Blender & undo … now this is shocking news :slight_smile: … woow !!! I thought this was design phylosophy banned … yeay!! any idea about the near-far future of this?

PS: ignore these questions if you think so … but I’m doing Blender tutorial(s) … and two things I’d love to use … prolly I just don’t know about them … but then again they might not exist:

  1. mirroriing a ongoing modelling work (so you could just work on one leg and get both)
  2. extrude along normal (it’s quite hard to always rotate the camera along certain directions just to get the right extrude … and most of the time I want along normal)

1: Make a linked copy (Alt-D) of the mesh and mirror it (Skey- Xkey) outside of edit mode. This will most likely display the mirrored mesh black in solid view, but it will render correctly. (OpenGL problem, not really Blender’s fault).

2: Extrude, press Esc and then Alt-S.


thanks a lot :slight_smile: (me happy)

32-Level Undo has been implemented in [instinctive.]-blender for mesh editing.

Linux binary:

U for undo, SHIFT-U for redo, ALT-U for viewing the undo stack.

Object-mode global undo is close to finished.

whoaaa?? what’s htis … got to check this out … I’m just wondering if it’s got 2.28 features …

it’s pretty much the other way around, 2.28 got features from it :slight_smile:

Complete featurelist here:

Complete keylist here:

I’ve seen that … and I’m completelly puzzled … what is that … what’s this ‘instinctive blender’ … is it a branch of Blender ( I keep trying to reach … but I can’t get my flash installed and can’t) … is it a fork of some sorts? if so … do they lag behind on Blender 2.28 features? And why this branch ? what does it aim to do … & … well why …

… also … I’m wondering … do blender users in general use this version or not … would I be going out of the mainstream badly (I need to be able to learn from other blender users) … is this a version that’s largelly accepted or rejected … well … I’m throbbing with questions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


to answer your questions:

instinctive-blender is a seperate branch developed internally at my company (, for company-internal use. It all basically started when we needed audio support and syncing inside Blender (this is one of the few features I (the developer) actually merged into the official tree (2.28)).

Well, instinctive generally has a lot more new features compared to 2.25 than the official tree, so we can’t really speak about “lagging behind” :slight_smile:
Some of the features that are being incorporated into the official tree seem useful though (ex.: new constraints), and I will merge those into instinctive when I have time, so don’t expect too much of a feature ‘lag’ :slight_smile:

I doubt anyone uses this branch, as the link is nowhere publicly available. Maybe I should start a Forum thread here, so people get more aware of it… But then again, I’d like to design a sweet little “homepage” for it!

I hope I could answer some of your questions. :slight_smile:

woow … so this is like totally fresh news :PP … wooowW!!! totally cool! and your company is usig this ‘instinctive-blender’ for what? any cool stuff I mgiht see?

anyway, so if I got this right: instinctive Blender is actually made out of blender 2.25 with many cutomized features (I'm afraid I'm not advanced enoguht to see at an eyesight which is the cool stuff .. I'd lvoe to see the pointed out somewhere) ... some of which actually got included into the 2.28 release from there, .. did I get it right? So, thoguh there would be features that it wouldn't have I as a relative beginner wouldn't stumble upon them? am I guessing right??? woow!!

hot news … do realease this info out!!! cool homepage or no homepage :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, yes, I guess it’s time for a homepage. Let’s see when I find spare time for it :slight_smile:

Yes, you got everything right.

Most of the features I added are only interesting for advanced users. Though, the highlights are (for my personal taste):

  • Audio sequencer / Sync (now in 2.28)
  • Undo for mesh editing
  • Recursive envmap rendering (more realistic renders)

The features that aren’t in instinctive-blender are not there because I didn’t find them interesting enough to port them over.

For you as a newbie, at least the Undo is certainly a big plus!

So, go ahead and report Bugs in my tree! :smiley:

hi hi … if you’re working on a separate version of blender … please do implement a ‘one key extrude along normal feature’ (or even better, key reasigning to be able to do this if you want to) … this is maybe (together with face select) … THE thing I’m thinking wings3d might be better in for fast modelling … tempting to move there … but still … I’d like to do everythign from top to bottom in Blender.

The extrude-thing is not interesting for me. A better faceselect (better = not having to press TAB, F, F, TAB and not having white faces) is on the todo list, yah. :slight_smile:

darn :frowning: … still no fast & easy extruding … that would’ve been so cooll … making whole things just by click rotate view … extrude … rotate … …

face selection … yeay!!!

no way to convince you of one key extrude along normal ? (when you extrude I most of the time want to extrude along the normal … extruding blender style, depending on the direction you’re looking from, leads to highly weird results when trying to construct something)

May I ask how come you’re workign on this other blender? Your company needed speciffic features?

Well, in fact i think i have never needed to extrude along normals, and well, IF I need it, i can afford to press 2 keys instead of one (E, leftmouse, alt-S)

Well yeah, we needed all of the features i’ve implemented so far :slight_smile: