Awakening <- try this

Awakening is a powerful professional real-time 3D solution. With it, you can easily create eye-catching interactive 3D presentations, brief films, games…

Awakening 3D solution includes three modules: Scene Editor ( Awakening.exe ), Scene Player ( WindsPlayer.exe ) and Web3D Player ( supports IE & Firefox family ).

Awakening presentations can far and wide use in entertainment, education, advertising, and so on. Awakening’s purposeis some like Flash, but it is native & full 3D.

(copied from the faqs :eyebrowlift: here it is :wink: )

hey man try this

Hi, i tried several versions of it including Lightmapmaker. I can’t cope with it’s Navigation, even with the new Beta (scroll down on their page). Maybe i’m spoiled by Blenders fantastic interface. Second issue is that no license for the generated work is mentioned. But this might not be an issue as the guy sits in China. Did i already say that the navigation REALLY sucks?