Awesome source of facial textures for UV mapping

Don’t know if it’s been listed before, but I found a goldmine in human textures. Here is an example of one of many files.

To get this, I simply downloaded the FAKEFACTORY’S High Res Character Skin Pack for Half Life 2 found here;46684

You will get a bunch of folders in the zip file with .vtf files. These are uneditable in Gimp so I downloaded VTFEdit from and installed it. From there its simply a matter of opening one of the textures in WTFEdit and exporting it to a tga file. So you can edit them or UV map them. This is Alyx face skin…

I apologize if this has been brought up before, just thought I would share the source. I tried making my own face textures and trying to fit things on to high rez pics I found. This has by far given me the best results (at least untill I learn Gimp enough to make these myself). Enjoy.