I use N-key a lot to give numeric input when I rotate or move objects. But sometimes it seems as if the x-y-z-axis are relative to the object instead of absolute. And I want them to be absolute.
For example: when I go to front view, you can see a little icon in the left bottom corner of 3Dview that shows x- and z-axis. But when I push N-key and I give the xloc another value, it doesnt move my vertex in the direction of the absolute x-axis(the red line) shown in 3D view.
[>] Can I change the settings so that the position is always calculated in relation to the absolute axis?
in editmode, the positions in the NKEY menu are local coordinates. in Object mode, they are (obviously) world coordinates. I don’t think you are able to change this.
Apply Size/Rot (Ctrl+A, Object mode) will set the local axis of the object parallel to the global axis. Therefor, transformations will go parallel to the global axis. To view the local axis check DrawExtras --> Axis in EditButtons of the object (left column of buttons).
AHa! Thank you very much!