Azure Zen Spa

Hey everyone!

Check out the final installment of my bathroom design series! Dive into relaxation with this tranquil bathroom retreat. Imagine yourself surrounded by calming blue tones and soft orange lights, creating a soothing atmosphere. I’ve added some hanging plants to bring a touch of nature indoors, making it the perfect spot to unwind.

Main Shot:

Detail Close-up:

Main shot side-by-side with clay + wireframe preview:

Detail close-up side-by-side with clay + wireframe preview:


Modeled and textured in Blender, rendered with Cycles, post-processing done in Photoshop.

If you’re curious about how it all came together, head over to my ArtStation for a breakdown of the creation process. Unfortunately, I couldn’t include it here, but it’s worth a look!

Can’t wait to hear what you think! :smile:
Thanks for stopping by!

Best regards,


Wow! Great attention to detail! I love it, great job!

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Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed! :grin:

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Nice lighting and design.

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Nice render I like the lighting !

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you, much appreciated! :grinning:

Thank you! I put a lot of effort into getting it just right, so your appreciation means a lot to me! :slight_smile:

That’s awesome, thank you! Have a wonderful weekend too! :grin:

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Love what you’ve done with your design, it’s so inviting and dreamy! I can imagine myself unwinding there after a long day… :relieved::blue_heart:

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Appreciate the kind words! Crafting that inviting, dreamy atmosphere was indeed my aim. Your appreciation means a lot! :grin: :pray:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Cool work! Could you please tell: the towel material is a particle / geonode scattering geometry? Or it’s totally with shader nodes?

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Amazing! Thank you so so much! :grin:

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Thank you! I’m pleased to hear that you enjoyed it. The strands on the towel were distributed around the object using geometry nodes; it turned out to be the most straightforward method. :slight_smile:

I see, thank you! I really like to see when someone’s creating so goodlooking images in Cycles as it was made by Corona, Vray etc.