B2.55: Cam does not follow path


I watched a tutorial how to make a cam follow a path.
I used the default scene, added a path.
Then I activated the cam, added a ‘Follow path’ constraint to it, acivated ‘Follow path’.
(see attachment).

But if I hit ALT-A to start animation the camera does not move at all. :frowning:

What I am missing?

Thanks for any help!



I did the same now in B2.54 and there it works. Do I have to do some additional setting in B2.55 to make the cam follow the path?
If not, can someone confirm if it is a problem of Blender 2.55 (r32738)?
I am on iMac i7, Mac OS X 10.6.5


Sorry I got problems to post, now it is double :wink:

Not working for me either. Loading the working 2.54 file into 2.55 does not work. I would say it’s a bug.

Phew! I was going crazy looking for the ‘new’ 2.55 equivalent to something I’ve done countless times in 2.4x. Yes, it looks like the Follow Path constraint is broken in 2.55.

you have to animate offset value
depending on curve orientation values can be positive or negative.

Offset value isn’t it. It appears that the value to animate is “Evaluation Time” which is a property of the curve / path itself. Feels a bit like a step backwards to me because the older method was more instant, and I think the values should be under the “Follow Path” constraint, not under the Object Data properties of the path where it’s hard to find them.

if you do not want to set the “evaluation time” manually,
just do the following for one time minimum and you get the speed-setup-entry for following:

select the object, like the cam
and select with shift the path to follow,
then press ctrl-P to make parent and choose the option “follow path”
(this creates the speed-entries for the evaluation time)

now you can live with it, or delete the parenting (alt-p for the the cam)
and if you now setup a constraint follow-path, it will already have a timing-curve
and it will work.