Baby badroom


Some days ago I lost all my files whiling I install Ubuntu for the firt time. I was accostumate with Slackware and Gentoo distro, that dont have no more easenesses. Well, now I have to make my modelings from scratch… and yesterday I make this:

This is a baby badroom named “Alices in wonderland” because the baby’s name is Alice :wink:

I rendered this images on POV-Ray using Povanim to export the files.

A big hug!

Looks good! Very bright (looks a bit like a hospital actually:D). The wooden part seems a bit out of place amongst all the whiteness, and I think it needs a shadow under it to make it seem more like part of the wall.
Other than that, well done!

I dont think it’s a good idea to have so much white in a babys room.

where does the baby get to sleep when it has been good?
(:osorry couldn’t resist)

I like the bight lots of light feel to the renders and the pillows look soft, too!

kinda looks like a doctors office at first to me lol

I would use the good ol’ blender internal for this, or Yafray with an HDRI map, I might make it less bright, but of course then you have to open the window. Anyway, good pic overall.