baby face photoreal

One hour of work!
Modelled, textured, rendered in Blender.

For a one hour work that is amazing :o
Only thing is, it’s not photoreal, the eyes are not very good. They’re just simple spheres with texture, right? Oh, and the blue is… well… too blue :slight_smile:

Yes, the eye is not good. In Blender (without light refraction) can we made photoreal eyes?

The eye of a baby is very blue!

With a bit of fiddling, this method makes the best eyes there are. How do you do faces so fast?

Thank for eye tutorial, I will try it.

The modelling: I have a baby photo from front of her face. I put this picture in Blender background.
I make a vertex and extrude it to edges. So I draw lines (edges) with this technique. I draw edges on the edges of the baby face.
Now I have a 2d wire. I make faces using this wire.
Now I have a 2d “face”.

Now I start to “pull” it to 3d. I have no side-photo, so I need to make this without reference. Before the work, I think, this will be a hard work… and finally I make it in 10 minutes…

Finally I project the original baby photo to the modell (UV texturing) with U key-“from window”.

Thats all. :slight_smile:
(with my bad english)

With practice. I think I can do not so photorealistic head in two maybe two and a half hours.

Actually the human face is not that hard to model, the basic shapes are quite simple. What makes the human modeling hard, is the fact that we see other people every day, so we have very good recollection of what kind of face looks realistic and what does not, so the lightest err in the model can ruin the realism of the whole head.

Man, that´s good! But how old baby is this? It doesn´t look quite like an infant, it looks like something between 1,5 - 2,5 years maybe. Not a couple of months or so. Keep up the good work and good luck!

im pretty sure im starting to hate you endi.


stop being good.

Nice work there. I like all the views so we can see your whole model. Can’t see any flaws. Can’t wait till the model is finished. :smiley:

Nick V

first of all great model! ¿1 hour? awesome then, it only needs good “pestañas” ->that little hair around the eye, and more realistic eyes (this ones brights as in stargate)

photorealistic eyes?.. maybe the most realistic eyes are real ones… maybe i’m wrong… but what’s wrong with an eye texture from photo and a little of environment reflection?

and why using refraction for eyes? should it be noticed unless the camera is very very very near?

good work endi, and very very fast

How can I make good hair?
I think, with dupliverts I can make shor hair. But long hair?

Ahhh… :smiley:

Long hair, now to do that you could use the technique on the makehuman site:

With refinement it can look spectacular.

However if you want thin hair you want Ripsting’s brilliant fibre script:

(That’s the third time in as many days I’ve been able to suggest this :smiley: :D, I’m getting quite good at it)


nice model :slight_smile: but for a baby it scares the shit outta me

very nice in a relative short time, it seems u r skilled in face building. besides the eyes i’d say hos nose is too upwards, from front he looks piggy

Really useful modelling technique ! I’m having a go modelling my own face using two pictures : one face on (no pun intended) and one in profile. It works waaaay better, with less tweaking, than any other method I’ve tried. I’m pretty lousy at organic modelling (just about all I’ve done is the alien avatar) but I’m getting quite nice results with this technique - though much slower, cos I need lots of practise.
I guess I’ll have to learn UV texturing so I can have a virtual model of me…

The baby looks great, but I think everything should be a little rounder and chubbier to make it look like an infant.

Now I know: baby face is small work… I make my self face… I work on it ~5 hours…
At first I think, older face is better for modelling… this was a mistake.

He?? You thought that was a boy? Its clearly female…right???