Is it possible to disable Backface Culling für a single Face? (Like in pre GLSL Times.) The only Ways i know is to use a second Material with Backface Culling disabled, assigned to this Face or double the Face and invert the Normal. Both little dirty Solutions. Double sided Faces would be clearer.
Hi. I try to update an old File from 2.46 where i’ve used some Texture-Atlasses. Parts of such a Texture is for single-sidet Faces, and some for double-sidet. At times Blender GE was single Textured, Materials were not strongly necessary.
I i think about, how to handle double sidet Faces now. My only Solution is an extra Material, or double the Face and flip the Normal, what i’ve done now. But i would prefer a more clean Way. Maybe there is one i didn’t know.
thats it, there is no other way. either you double the face or the engine does it(disable backface culling). maybe try and design your mesh without the need for such things in the first place.
As far as I know the texture atlas belongs to textures rather than materials. I think you can use the same texture at different materials.
In case you have one object that “mimics” several materials via texture, wouldn’t it make sense to imply use multiple objects - at least one materials for double side and one with single side? Or separate the meshes into different objects.