"Background image" in a game?

Is it possible to use a background image in a game, just like the “Background image” that you use in the 3D Window?
I’ve tried the “Halo” and “Billboard” alignment but they are not quite what i need.
I want the image always to be behind every visible object in the game and always stretched across the whole view, no matter where the camera “looks” and i can’t do that with planes.
I hope i make sense…

How about putting the image, as a plane, in a background scene? (The scene would be added to the main scene as a background.)

If you could explain to me how to do that it would be really nice. Thank you!

just uv map the image to the plane.

Step by step minitut:

  1. Press Spacebar: Add–>Mesh–>Plane
  2. With the plane selected press the F key to enter face select mode.
  3. Press A key to select all faces.
  4. Change the window from the 3D window to the UV/Image window.
  5. Click on Image --> Open and select your image.
  6. Press F Key to get out of face select mode.
  7. Press Alt-Z in the 3D window to view your UV mapped plane with the texture.

Once you do this you can add a “Track to” constraint on the plane so it always faces the camera

  1. Select the plane.
  2. Hold down shift then select the camera.
  3. Press CTRL-T and select “Track to”

Hope that helps.

Thanks for teaching me how to UV map a texture to a plane Ven0mSevenX…:rolleyes:
Unfortunately that’s not what i needed…

I guess i should have been more clear with my question considering the background scene-how do you make a scene appear in the background?

And BTW the Object Constraints don’t work in the game engine…

Thanks for your help anyway!

He doesn’t mean Object constraints, he means the track-to constraint, which is an option in the “edit object” actuator.

However that doesn’t matter because if you use a background scene, as Toomai describes, it will always face the camera no matter what its doing. (That includes rotation as well).

Here’s an example:

@Shn275: Thank you very much, that’s just what i needed!


Once you do this you can add a “Track to” constraint on the plane so it always faces the camera

  1. Select the plane.
  2. Hold down shift then select the camera.
  3. Press CTRL-T and select “Track to”

I double checked, pressing Ctrl+T adds an “object”-“Track To” constraint to the object. He maybe meant the track-to constraint in the edit object actuator, but he wrote a different thing.

Nevermind, i got what i wanted and i thank you all for your help!