I am currently getting a few moments with my most recent blender project. I had a break for a few months in this and well… I may have screwed some option over.
My problem is that I can no longer see he background image. I could see it yesterday. Now… its gone.
I do know about NUM-5. Ortho vs perspective view.
I loaded a new image to see if the problem occurs there as well. And nope. The new one works. Perfectly fine. grrr
Why I dont use a new one?
Cause I scaled all of my images to match each other in lenght.
And I use a lot of background images… After all I need 3 perspectives and a few more to get different details right.
The big question:
Did I screw an option? Or do I have to load every single image anew and scale it until it matches the old one?
I seriously hope its just a click or two which may resolve the issue.
Heres what I see and what it should look like:
best regards,