how i can use 2 picture background for front,and side view,
when i load picture from view->Background Image it is same for both…
one way is i think make 2 plane object but it’s very bad idea i know : ))
i’m debutant
how i can use 2 picture background for front,and side view,
when i load picture from view->Background Image it is same for both…
one way is i think make 2 plane object but it’s very bad idea i know : ))
i’m debutant
i posted it wrong place i think
sorry … :(( move it
oh i find way … it need 2 window and then it is not same for both
admin u can delete this topic , it is wrong place…
any way thanks all : )))))
Well, easiest way would be to just divide the 3D view-port in two,
you can always scale one to be bigger when you are currently focusing on that one,
and have front in one and side in the other, that’s how I work.
heh, a second too late.
thanks felix