Background images don't seem to show up right

Hi all,

I came across this problem, and tried it out with two references:
1 plain white picture
1 reference of an X-wing.

Could someone explain why this happens?

Problem 1:
These three references have perfect measurements, as you can see:
600400 (Side) , 400600 (Top) and 400*400 (Front)

Why do I have to scale up the side-image? It has 100% the same length along the Y-axis as the Top-image, but Blender seems to have made it smaller… Why? If I use reference images like this, I make them as good as possible in, and then I have to re-size them again in Blender…

Problem 2:
The X-wing:
The reference images aren’t exactly the same size, but as far as I know ok.
The Cube fits well in top view and side view, but in front view only the width fits, not the height.
Why does this happen?

I think I’m just missing a small part, but I’m curious, I like to know all small parts:spin:

(Well, I’m asking things anyway, I think I can add this: What does the “Field” button do? It seems to re-size the image in height, but what’s the purpose?:o)

Fields is for TV rendering, see “Preparing your work for Video” in the wiki.

As far as your windows and reference images being different sizes, it looks to me like in your second picture they are all scaled to 5. So if the box needs to be a different size to fit the outline of the image, just scale the box in that direction S->X or Y or Z and it will fit the reference pic. I’m proud that you actually got the refence images loaded! Most people dont understand about having three pics, or which pics go with which view, etc.

You suggest that I should scale the box in frontview along the Z-axis to make it fit the reference?
I thought I should do so too before, but if I do that, the side-view-reference isn’t ok anymore: Now it has the right Z-size, but when I scale along Z-axis, I have the same problem, but in another view…

Or is it possible to scale the reference image along 1 direction?


oic. well, the best you will get is by scaling the frontview image like to 4.8, or editing it in GIMP and scaling it down in the height direction and re-loading it. You could better tell by placing some internal points like where the body is wide to tell exactly which is off and by how much. It is very close though.

Ok, thanks.

Just one small question: If I load a reference image into Blender, its quality drops down. Eg: The nose of the X-wing is in blender 3 pixels, but in the original picture many more.

well, the modeling view does not care about pixels, really. It uses the same info to render an image 100 or 1000000 pixels wide.

if you want the reference picture to be bigger on your display, scroll the middle mouse wheel, or change the Size of the image in the view background image properties panel.


seems like you’ve run into a classical problem: your reference image in front view matches the side view, the side view matches the top view, but the top view doesn’t match the front at all - duh… At first, you should check whether the dimensions are correct in the reference image. These errors are part of the original drawing in most cases. Even if sketches look fine and technical, measurement is often quite “free”. If so, you can scale non-uniform in gimp, photoshop or whatever 2D-app you use.

A certain loss of quality from 2D view to 3D background is normal. First, the image is scaled to match your preferred size, then it’s interpolated when you zoom into the viewport and lastly, the OpenGL window is doesn’t have much consideration for crisp 2D images (speed over quality interpolation). All that helps is a higher resolution reference…
