Backing up WMP 11 licenses?

I just bought a download of an instructional video for a magic trick. The site recommends backing up the license, but the instructions they link to on Microsoft’s website to do this are for WMP 10. There doesn’t seem to be a similar page describing the process for WMP 11, does anyone know how to do this? I’d hate to have lost $20 if I ever have to reformat my system or something goes wrong…

[Edit] Here’s the link for the WMP 10 version.

Sorry to ask the dumb question but does it not work the same, or very similar?

Not a WMP user, nor an online purchaser BTW.


I think you lost that $20 already…

If it is, it’s not similar enough for me to figure out. There are hardly ANY menus in WMP 11, much less the one I’m supposed to use to back up licenses…

Howitzer, suit yourself, I think learning the trick was worth the $16.95. link

have you tried right clicking in wmp11? as far as I can tell, the menus there are pretty much the same.

Ah. Well that sucks… Just did a little more searching in the WMP help menu.

“This version of the Player does not permit you to back up your media usage rights. However, depending upon where your protected files came from, you might be able to restore your rights over the Internet. For more information, see the question in this topic about how to restore your media usage rights.”

Next time send me 20$ and I’ll tell you that most of those tricks are already revealed on (oh no I revealed my secret!).

Also there are tons of video on p2p about this guy revealing tricks (it was a tv show a few years back).

Perhaps I could, but then I would be stealing the trick from those who created it.

Those who created those tricks are probably dead for 120 years already. I’m pretty sure they won’t mind. Most ‘new’ tricks are just variations of centuries old tricks. Its open source so to speak :wink:

I almost paid for the invisible deck trick on elisionist (or was it penguin magic?) (the best card trick ever in my opinion) and luckily I found it on wikipedia a few seconds before I wanted to buy it.

Would you pay for tricks like this one? link

right click, click show menu bar.
then search for wmp powertoys. I found one for this purpose once

yup. and the coin in the can. i mean, the coin is IN the can…??? and Stigmata…hypnotism? suggestions? what? how?

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No, I won’t pay for that trick. I know lots of mind boggling tricks already (card tricks mostly).