
Here’s a model I started on. It was all sharpconstruct from a box and imported to blender. I have 2 ?'s regarding modeling. ( Lighting sux I know)

  1. How would I model a zipper/ parts of a zipper?
  2. How would I create something to look like stitching?

Sorry for double posting:

If anyone looks at this thread, here’s an update with AO

Very nice!
For the stitching and the zipper, you may want to use a UV map Displacement or Normal Map for that.
If you MUST model them, I would recommend modeling them on a flat plane and use a lattice to deform them into position over the pack. Once you have the zipper and seams aligned, you could make the lattice deform real and then proceed to blend the zipper and stitching into the mesh by hand or you could just leave it as a separate object. It all depends on what you plan on using this for and how it looks with the zipper and stitching unmerged.