bad basis

Hi guys!
In former times i made a kitchen
but i had to register a new account couse of my baaaaad brain.
i created kind of a garage with blender 2.45 as u can see in the next pic, of course there is more to come!
My prob in this project is that this room got much more width than height, and that there are many lamps in it, hence the illumination is a bit tricky to me. That´s why i couldnt illuminate all parts of the room relatively equally, the ceiling is much more darker than the flloor. I know it would not me realistic with all parts of the room illuminated equal, but pls help me to solve this bad lightning.
blender file appended!

big thx

omg pls help

I think what I’d do is make the bad lighting work for me. It’s a parking garage, right? So recess the overhead between the lights, as if the lights were suspended from beams, and give the shadows a reason to be there.

Lighting is tricky. If you are going to use the garage as a set for animation, you need to learn how to light it with spots and lamps. Check out putting lamps on layers, assigning lamps to groups, using negative and shadow only lamps. There’s a lot to learn.

If you are just looking for a static render, you may want to check out one of the other render engines, like kerkythea or indigo, but be prepared for long render times.