bad landing

render with cycles 1000 samples

How this could happen? Is this a flying ship? And why 1000 samples, when for my largest scenes i use only 192, usually 96, when no sss, even 24, and it looks pretty good. I have Geforce GT 730, and I don’t like waiting 8 hours for 1536 samples render.

Thanks for your comment.
1000 samples and 8 minutes rendering on a GTX 770, not that much. 24, 96, 192 samples are too few, too much noise. I used GPU to render. I don’t know how you need 8 hours for 1536 samples with cycles.

This work definitely has potential!

You’ve got the idea of how to structure a large scale nature scene – the mist in particular is very nice. I would suggest working on improving the texturing of the rocks and ship. The snow is done well. Maybe work on adding some more detail to the characters?

Keep at it!

thanks to suggest improvements. In fact, the characters are nude, just a black texture, I thought they did not need any clothes because they are so tiny. But you are right, I should have added a few détails.

I use clamp direct 0.95 and clamp indirect 0.85, and even 24 samples not too noisy. It’s unbiased reder engine, it should have some noise!

I’ve tried your settings, 24 samples give noise but 48 is better (just a liitle bit Noisy) and 25 secondes to render. Thanks for your advise