Bad news in Iraq

It has come to my attention that U.S. troops failed ot secure a medical lab in Iraq that contained cultures of some extremely dangerous virus’s including black fever and small pox. Because it was not a military target, U.S. forces failed to post guards to prevent looting. The u.s. knew this facility had dangerous materials within it, but nevertheless, allowed iraqi civilians to loot and pilliage.
I am fearful for the iraqi’s that may die from these diseases if they are to be spread, and fearful for the lives of americans if someone bad gets their hands on these.

America, you can be a wonderful country, but Jesus Christ, American troops just unleashed a vertiable Pandora’s Box in the cradle of life.

But of course, nothing will happen to “dub-yah” because he is the president of the united states. And no matter what stupid stuff he does, as long as he apolgizes and says, “god bless america”, it is fine. Well it’s not fine. People will die because of this. People who don’t have to die.

I am not one of those Anti-war activists, alothough I am against all war. I am not anti-american, as I am canadian, and have been to america quite abit, and tedn to liek it. It is free, and the people, on whole, are peaceful, decent huiman beings…

But this is the last straw. The United States needs to stop screwing up. It has to stop dropping bombs, and start thinking. Realize there is more ot this war than just Bad dictator’s to kill, and Oil to liberate.

I pray that no more harm comes from this mistake,
but I hope someone learns from it.

I just hope no more becomes of this situation.

argh…I hate when those type of thing happen…because yea, the soldier didn’t do their “job” by guarding it…but the ciovilian on their side were not smarter…

stealing those type of thing is not very smart if you wabt my advice…

also I heard that they stole lots of thing in the museum of bagdad…they are destroyign their own culture…

anyway, like in lots of “war”…both side make stupid things…

I don’t mean to offend anybody, so if you like flamewars about real events, pass this by.

I’m sorry, but I am just so sick and tired of hearing about all these wars. Why do I, a 13-year old who never does anything and couldn’t care less about what happens to other people in the world, need to hear about it? It gets into the news, it gets into the schools, it gets into the forums… I’m sorry, but I’m not really too concerned, whether you guys like it or not.

What’s worse, I’m an American who thinks that we should stop it with all the patriotic garbage. You guys are from all around the world, and here you are, talking and typing about a war that you have less to do with than I do. It just seems like you’re talking about your opinions about wars, of any kind.

I don’t like war. I admit it. George Bush can’t brainwash me into thinking that I should go out and risk my life like that. It’s just so pathetic when they have to draft people into the armies. Doesn’t that say something about your war and/or your youth? They just don’t care. They might when they’re older and wiser, but intelligence like that comes at about 50, and we young people are only concerned with the present.

These war threads got so old that I decided to stop reading them. When my dark fantasies of crimes become more interesting to myself than a real thing, it’s kind of scary. But let me tell you something, and pardon my French, despite the fact that I don’t speak it. WAR IS BULLSHIT. I couldn’t care less about where Saddam is. I sort of do, but as an American, that’s where it’s required to be by laws made by George Bush. This shit about “If Saddam isn’t dead we need to assassinate him” and “I want to go and strangle Saddam with piano wire” and “We need to nuke them out morally” is just that: Bullfuckingshit. You’re talking so hypothetically that you have more of a chance to meet Adolf Hitler and tell him that Jews aren’t evil, than to actually get close to doing what you’re saying.

All these what-if situations are bullshit. Quit talking like it’ll happen. “What if France decides to help us out?” “What if Saddam’s sons kill random US people?” News flash: MOST OF THAT IS BULLSHIT. What-ifs are pathetic, dumb, and absolutely mind-pollutiong.

My point: STOP IT WITH THE WAR. If an American can’t think of too many good ways to stop Saddam, maybe we should WAIT until he presents us with a solution.

Don’t reply. It’s pathetic to read my words get crushed. Goodbye, good luck with convincing other people to join your sides, and good riddance.

Cubefan, this is one of those rare moments where I almost agree with you. I don’t like to hang over every detail, BUT… if people want to post this stuff, more power to them.

OMG this is an historical moment. VALARKING AGREE WITH CUBEFAN!!!

This post should be sticky!!! :o :wink:

…may I call you Cube ?

You’re only 13, really?
Well, if you don’t dessicate in the process of growing up, I think that you have a pretty good chance to become a person of some interest.

thats not gonna happen, check this thread:



nobody else (oh maybe a few of his possy suck too)

i don’t hate america or americans


opinion 100%

Cube, I do agree with you, when I was 13, i cared alot less about the world. I am not much older now, [18], but I feel that this could pose a threat to alot of people.

I am not trying to start a flame war. The reaosn I started this thread was because I fell the people on this board, for whom I hold the utmost respect, deserve to know, seeing as many american networks will not run the story because they are biased.

Anyhoo, if you’re tired of these threads, cube, then do yourself a favor and don’t read them. This is the off-topic forum. And yes, this is off topic.

X warrior, I do agree with you


you expect cube to learn? havent you been on the forums for long enough to know…?

hey, go easy on the guy… everyone can learn.

Dont say bush sucks, if he wasnt elected, Al Gore would have been, and we would have done an all out EGO attack right there on September 11, and were would that lead us

Also, I dont like what is going on, but first of all, if we didnt bomb them, they would keep making biological weapons and kill us all, if that wasnt their plan, why would they be making them, for a…“science project” NO, they are evil people that kill their own citizens…

Think of this analagy, all you people who think its wrong what we are doing in Iraq since people are dying…:
In this hypothetical world, some one with a bomb as well as a trigger that is able to blow up this entire world (yes, I know Iraq doesnt have this, but biological weapons can spread to the entire world) and they say if you don’t kill these small children right here, he will blow up the entire world…Well, yes its wrong to kill children, but if you don’t make that small sacrifice, you may end up with your entire world gone because of a few maniacs

Also, its ok to be un-patriotic, but all you bastards out there that pledge the line from the Pledge of Allegience:

I pledge allegience, to the flag, of the United States of America
, believe it or not, you are pledging your alliegence, but then you turn around and talk trash about the president, one of the key representations of the spirit of america!? Those soldiers as well, they are out there, whether they make fully correct decisions, are risking their lives for you people, no just the americans, but everyone in the world, since theres nothing stoping that easterly or westerly wind from carrying the airbourne viruses they have been culturing, from floating right into Europe, Africa, or Asia…when you think someone is making a bad decision, think about the choices they had to choose between, bombing Iraq, or allowing Iraq to kill us all, then you can understand…

Dont say bush sucks, if he wasnt elected, Al Gore would have been, and we would have done an all out EGO attack right there on September 11, and were would that lead us

Ah give me a break. Sure, i may be only 14 and not know that much about this kind of stuff, but the 2000 election didn’t really have that many great choices for president, but we’d all probably be better off if George hadn’t stolen the election from Gore. I’d doubt that we’d be at war right now if the election had gone fairly in Florida. Al Gore would have been a bit better than the idiot we have now.

Hell, it’d have been great if everybody went off and voted for Pat Buccanon or the other guy. I wonder what’d be happening if one of them got elected.


[quote=“hiachi”]Also, I dont like what is going on, but first of all, if we didnt bomb them, they would keep making biological weapons and kill us all, if that wasnt their plan, why would they be making them, for a…“science project” NO, they are evil people that kill their own citizens…quote]

ok first I want to agree with you that Saddam Hussein and his “gouverment” was very bad and it’s a good thing that they don’t gouvern that country anymore. BUT the us soldier didn’t find any biological weapon…that lead to think that Irak didn’t have any of those weapon…maybe they have…maybe not…but don’t say that if USA didn’t attack Irak we would have been killed in a biological attack…that’s false…

A good choise would have been if the Americans, French, Germans etc. hadn’t sold viruses, backteria, weapons and a lot of equipment for the production of chemical, biological, nuclear as well as conventional weapons.
It would have been also a good descision not to support Saddam during his war on Iran. I think Mr. Rumsfeld himself was involved.

One thing I ask me is why none of the goverments buildings, embassies, museums, hospitals etc. was protected against looting except for the oil deparment.

I hope that no one is supported by the Allies today they have to fight tomorrow. Wouldn’t be the first time.

Whats matters who got in office, lead tour tyranny sonner or later, Cube its importent to you because war is on going, when a country invades they must retelarate and that means Americans at home are going to die. So prepare for the after effects of war, its not going to be pretty. Ofcourse it would be the president thats responsable for this, it was them that made terrorist in the first place.

As our country becomes more and more comman for attack, people will be more likely to give government more control and authority, the more authority the government get, the more closer the country will reach into a authoritarian society “The same as Hitlar, China and Saddam” And thats what the polictions want, complete government, complete protection and complete control of the indivisal.

A good choise would have been if the Americans, French, Germans etc. hadn’t sold viruses, backteria, weapons and a lot of equipment for the production of chemical, biological, nuclear as well as conventional weapons.
It would have been also a good descision not to support Saddam during his war on Iran. I think Mr. Rumsfeld himself was involved.

One thing I ask me is way none of the goverments buildings, embassies, museums, hospitals etc. was protected against looting except for the oil deparment.

I hope that no one is supported by the Allies today they have to fight tomorrow. Wouldn’t be the first time.[/quote]

Hail Tordat, the king of all reasion, bow before thee, bow before thee :stuck_out_tongue:

Excuse me, but the law was followed. Even when the biased Miami newspapers jumped in and did their recounds exactly as Gore had asked (recounting only Democrat-leaning counties, and using special rules to count non-votes as Gore votes, etc), BUSH STILL WON! Then of course was the problems with US military absentee voters (who predominantly vote Republican). Oh, and also the horrid reporting by the media, reporting as if it were fact that Gore had won before the polls closed, causing voters in the panhandle (which is predominantly Republican) to turn back from the polls and go home without voting, thinking it was all over anyhow.

Hrm… if Nadir were president, we wouldn’t really care about the rest of the world because most of us would be out of work, and the rest would be paying even higher taxes, and riding to work on bicycles.

If Buchannon were president, Afghanistan may be flattenened, Iraq and N. Korea would be ignored, most of our military would be on the borders, Middle-Easterners wouldn’t be able to get visas, and cops would be knocking on your door asking if you’d seen any illegal aliens lately.

Well… at least with Buchannon our borders might be secure.


And if Harry Brown were in office ?

I’m calling for a stop to this thread because it has gotten way off topic. I am not bashing the U.S. (though I could).

Iraq is not evil cause it has virus’s in labs, The u.s. has small pox, ebola, and everyhting imaginable. Why? you tell me.

Anyhoo. Stefano, or some other moderator… close this thread

Thank you,
sorry for trying ot stat a civilized conversation