It has come to my attention that U.S. troops failed ot secure a medical lab in Iraq that contained cultures of some extremely dangerous virus’s including black fever and small pox. Because it was not a military target, U.S. forces failed to post guards to prevent looting. The u.s. knew this facility had dangerous materials within it, but nevertheless, allowed iraqi civilians to loot and pilliage.
I am fearful for the iraqi’s that may die from these diseases if they are to be spread, and fearful for the lives of americans if someone bad gets their hands on these.
America, you can be a wonderful country, but Jesus Christ, American troops just unleashed a vertiable Pandora’s Box in the cradle of life.
But of course, nothing will happen to “dub-yah” because he is the president of the united states. And no matter what stupid stuff he does, as long as he apolgizes and says, “god bless america”, it is fine. Well it’s not fine. People will die because of this. People who don’t have to die.
I am not one of those Anti-war activists, alothough I am against all war. I am not anti-american, as I am canadian, and have been to america quite abit, and tedn to liek it. It is free, and the people, on whole, are peaceful, decent huiman beings…
But this is the last straw. The United States needs to stop screwing up. It has to stop dropping bombs, and start thinking. Realize there is more ot this war than just Bad dictator’s to kill, and Oil to liberate.
I pray that no more harm comes from this mistake,
but I hope someone learns from it.
I just hope no more becomes of this situation.