Bad normals on a model

I’m working on a model, its got bad normals and I have no idea how to fix it. I’ve recalculated the normals, tried the weighted normal modifier. Turning auto smooth off and on. I have no idea how to fix this.

Are there any hidden edges?
What happens when you add a bevel?

Some of these rather look like issues with smoothness which could be solved applying some sharp edges but if not did you already try to activate “Face Orientation” in the geometry section of the overlay menu? Showing normal orientation only in either red or blue this might be of help.
(Face orientation is a feature in 2.80, don’t know if it is available in 2.79)

Part of it is beveled right now using the bevel modifier and weighting edges. I’m also using sharp edges where I’m not beveling.

Can you upload the model or just a relevant part of it? Aside from that, you do not have duplicate vertices (try a merge by distance)?

Also try switching the modifiers.

What do you mean switching the modifiers?

Sorry I read Bevel Modifier and weighting edges. What do you need a Bevel Modifier for? It’s better to build in the Bevel by hand. All Edges and creases need Bevel. And the faces need to be planar and squarish. You get the problems on those spiky faces. Oh and you should get rid of N-Gons.

Did you enable Auto Smooth? You need to do this for edges marked as sharp to work.
It’s in the properties editor / object data tab / Auto Smooth (angle should be about 30°)

To test if it’s a normal problem you might enable backface culling
Navigation panel / Shading section