Badger 155 anthem airbrush, FIXED :)

after rendering the scene with the pen, balls and key…i found my old partially started model of my airbrush and thought it would be nice to finish modeling and put it in the same scene as the pen, i added the paint jar and the little cup for the scene…enjoy :slight_smile:

Holy balls, thats awesome. My only problem is the bumpmap on the surface is a bit extreme, but the render is awesome. Nice and clean.

huhhuh! that’s photorealistic, I have to say.

only crit is the floor, it looks like shit. :slight_smile:
well, actually not that, more like wet plastic carpet. and, I’m not sure, perhaps you have one of those at home :slight_smile:

buuut… I would try more traditional kind of carpet… wool… or whatever they are made of…


It is indeed very nice. Looks like a photo for sure.

I would just get rid of the bump on the floor/table all to gether. It will look much better IMO.


scrappy…you know what?
you’re a funny little guy 8)

im a funny little guy??? wuts that supposed to mean? :-?

c’mon man throw a nice floor in! the rest of the scene kicks monkey-@ss, só C’MON!


ps. constructive critisism of course :slight_smile:

man that crappy wood grain floor i just installed to take this pic sure gave me all kinds of crap :wink: JUSK KIDDING!!

it looks awesome - dont like the bottom of the paint jar for some reason… the masive black area with points all around it just looks odd

Now that is 100% better. Great job!


yea i dont know whats wrong with the bottom of that jar, i can try pp to fix it…but thanx guys!!

WOW :o Absolutely amazing!!


man, that’s worthy of the gallery!!

sigh man that is awesome.

NICE! Looks very much like the one that i use at work.

Instead of fixing the bottom of the jar, just fill it up with about a 1/4 of the jar with paint (i think a blue paint would stand out good in this scene).

Also, maybe have an airline laying in the background? Or maybe the brush’s box? :smiley:

could we please see a wireframe?

wireframe done…also i am adding paint in the jar to hide that ugly blackness at the bottom…and maybe ill add a hose or somethin in the back :wink:

Hey hey, that looks absolutely amazing man.

I notice your using 2.23, yay! Now i dont feel so alone, ive been using .23 since i started.

yea 2.23 seems to run a whole lot faster of my machine…i also have 2.28 installed but it has problems with the yablex script :expressionless:

i still dont like the floor that shiny… takes the eyes from the actual objects.
